PC gaming on desk + monitor vs. home theater


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Rage3D Subscriber
Came across this post: http://www.rage3d.com/board/showpost.php?p=1338201028&postcount=2

Got me thinking because I was pondering about hooking up my main gaming PC permanently to the home theater. But then it seems that a mouse and keyboard on a desk is more comfortable than having to somehow place them on your lap while on the home theater. Plus, I kinda agree with having the screen closer to you is kinda better for PC gaming. What do you guys think?
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Depends on the game. I have my PC desk directly beside my HomeTheater and only time I hook up is if it's a game I'm going to play with a controller oooor if I really want 3D as I have a 60" 3D plasma.

Not that higher Hz TV displays can't make great PC displays though.
Depends on the game. I have my PC desk directly beside my HomeTheater and only time I hook up is if it's a game I'm going to play with a controller oooor if I really want 3D as I have a 60" 3D plasma.

Not that higher Hz TV displays can't make great PC displays though.

im the same, well same room but about 20ft in front of my tv and despite have a better tv vs pc display(sony x900f and the fs version of predator x34 3440x1440) i still prefer the desk for most games