Other AIW Radeon problems.


New member
As much as I like this card as an upgrade from my AIW Pro (Rage Pro PCI);
I am noticing some strange problems with using it. Some have been mentioned
in this and other forums already, but I wanted to try to compile a known
issues list to fire off to ATI support.

1. Sound quality of AIWR captures failing on some systems.
Note: I can do a low res capture (160x120) with good sound, but using
any of the default capture settings results in bad playback sound
(static, pops, some distortion).

2. Default settings are off.
On the settings I have for video capture, the default for Longest Time is
set to a higher (and different aspect ratio) setting than the ones for
Good and Best Quality. This threw off the quality of some of my early capture

3. Cannot get Guide+ to run.
If I run the Live programming feature, then shut it back off, I then
get the button for TV listings. But the function still does not work
when it is clicked upon.

4. No support for older ATI codecs or general AVI.
On the off chance that doing MPEG encoding on the fly is too much for my
system to handle, it would be nice to be able to still capture in one
of the older (less CPU-intensive) codecs, and then post process the video
stream with the given editing tools.

5. Need an Advanced Dialog for Scheduler, Custom settings for Digital VCR,
and others.
While I appreciate the Wizard interface for setting up various aspects of
the MMC; some users would find a single dialog with sections (or tabs)
for each individual step in the process easier to deal with, in particular
when one wishes to make a minor change to an existing setup. Having to
go thru the whole Wizard a second time makes the exersize unneccesarily tedious.

6. Some third party capture programs are broken.
Specifically VirtualDub, cannot recognized the new capture interface of
the AIW. I have to double-check that I am using the latest version of
VDub, but this much of a change to the functionality of the card is disturbing.

To be fair, I am upgrading from a much, much older card, so my perceptions
of the changes in the latest AIW may not be up to date. So I am asking for
comments and clarification on the above points as well. Thank you.
i cant get virtual dub to work either, and my sound is always to low in volume, and ive got the sound maxed out in volume control. ive got a sblive value.
On point #4, you don't have an option to capture in AVI? When I go to create a new capture quality, it prompts me if I want to set up an AVI or an MPEG style. AVI captures work fine, although they take up an enormous amount of space.
AVI is not a codec... it is a file format. Codecs like Cinepak or Sorenson is what I think cquinn is talking about in #4. The AVI that is captures is probably MPEG-4 or uncompressed, which eats up lots of space.
No, I meant I did not see AVI as a save choice in the settings for Digital
VCR, in the ATI display settings. If I go thru the setup wizard for
a custom setting for captures, the only choices I am given for codecs are
MPEG-1 and MPAG-2. On my old card, I could choose the other codecs which
would save in AVI format using one of the YVU or ATI VCR codecs.

I may be misreading the setup (in the wrong section to set this), or I may
not have all the codecs properly installed. From what you are saying Jeraden,
that is probably the case. When I installed the AIW Radeon, somehow my old
codecs were removed. I tried reinstalling them from the separate codec installer
from ATI, but the capture setup didn't like that much. Next time I'll try a
reinstall of the codecs and then reinstall the Radeon drivers on top.