OpenGL drivers


New member
Anyone have any inside info on when ATI will improve their OpenGL drivers? :)

Appearently some of the effects used in Neverwinter Nights (e.g: shiny water) doesn't work on Radeon (8500) cards because the drivers aren't fully OpenGL 1.2 compatible. :(
the drivers are compatible with the latest openGL heh

as for those problems its most likely just an incorrect setting that ATi will address in the next release
It has been reported that those effects will not work because Bioware only programmed them for nVidia cards using nVidia's proprietary OGL extensions. I was hoping to hear that this is bs and users were seeing shiny/bumpy water, but apparently the info was correct. I assume you are playing the game, now?
kbleft said:
It has been reported that those effects will not work because Bioware only programmed them for nVidia cards using nVidia's proprietary OGL extensions. I was hoping to hear that this is bs and users were seeing shiny/bumpy water, but apparently the info was correct. I assume you are playing the game, now?

Some guy on BioWare's forum phoned Tech Support and was told that it was a problem that could be fixed if ATI fixed their OGL support (which, as he was told, wasn't complete). I have no idea if that's true or not though.

As for playing the game? No.. still waiting for my copy. I'll hopefully have it by the end of the month. :)
Brad Grier: NVIDIA has been a great partner throughout the development of Neverwinter Nights. We rolled the NVIDIA relationship from Baldur's Gate II right into Neverwinter Nights, so we were provided with a whole slew of GeForce4's very early on and worked closely with NVIDIA's developer relations group to ensure we were taking full advantage of the hardware. Bioware has had a long-standing relationship with NVIDIA and we've been able to achieve some amazing visual effects in our games that wouldn't be possible on anything other than NVIDIA hardware. The graphics effects in this game are just incredible. Be sure and check out the shiny bumpy water. And the combat effects, from spell effects to sparks flying off armor from a sword hit.

It'd be nice if ATI can make this guy eat his words. Taken from
MrB said:

sadly it does look like they used nVidia's proprietary OGL extensions for some effects so you won't be seeing those on ATI cards.

WTF have ATI's dev support team been doing for the past 4 years for F**Ks sake this game has been in dev for 4 years R200 hardware has been around for almost 12 months now and you can tell me that in these 12 month the guys at ATI could'nt get bioware to add support for these effects via some other ATI/opengl extension??????WTF

This either come's down to(yet again)poor driver support from ATI or bioware have been brought off by nvidia and jugding from past experence theres a 50/50 chance its both.....

if anyone from ATI is reading this can we plz have some info from you guys on this????
As MrB says some of the BS/misinformation ive seen thrown around about on this issue sofar is mind numbingly stupid.....

ATI and Nvidia both have full OpenGL 1.2 1.3 support the ati just has a few more whistles and knobs i believe :)

Theres prolly driver or game bugs causing issues
Gizmo said:

WTF have ATI's dev support team been doing for the past 4 years for F**Ks sake this game has been in dev for 4 years R200 hardware has been around for almost 12 months now and you can tell me that in these 12 month the guys at ATI could'nt get bioware to add support for these effects via some other ATI/opengl extension??????WTF

This either come's down to(yet again)poor driver support from ATI or bioware have been brought off by nvidia and jugding from past experence theres a 50/50 chance its both.....

if anyone from ATI is reading this can we plz have some info from you guys on this????
As MrB says some of the BS/misinformation ive seen thrown around about on this issue sofar is mind numbingly stupid.....

If you read the article posted here from Nvidia's website you would conclude that Nvidia and Bioware have a very tight relationship and Bioware added features to support Nvidia's GF4 cards. Features they feel are not available on any other venders product. It reminds me of Expandable. Great game, but if you had a Matrox G400 you could enable Enviromental Bumpmapping and experiance the game in a whole new light. Game publishers all do this.



if you check the 8500 GD forum you'ed see i was the first person to post that info on these boards about bioware and nvidia......

as for Expandable the G400 was the only card to support EVBM at the time that game was released and no other hardware had support for that feature for atleast 6 months we are'nt talking about adding support for a cards many months or years after a game has shipped
ATI has had more than enought time to resove these issues with bioware due the game 4 year in dev and the nearly 1 year of r200 hardware being avalible.....

my point is that if nvidia are supply support to bioware's dev's why where'nt ATI and if they where then why dont we have support for these effect's?

As i have been lead to believe anything dev's can do with nvidia own closed(pay them to use)VS extension's ATI can do with there own open extension
so again either ATI dont support the alternet feature's needed or have driver Bug's that prevent the dev's for recreating these effect in other ways or Nvidia have payed off bioware not to support other hardware which does'nt make OPENGL very open does it really

so i'll ask again ATI which is it?
I hope ATI DOES NOT jump on this bandwagon. OpenGL is supposed to be as standard. If we start customizing it we will ruin it. It's not time to invent a Glide 2! This kinda crap is going to kill the standard and leave us only with D3D!

Shame on Nvidia, Shame on Bioware. They do not have all consumers in mind. There is obviously some back door dealings going on here!