OMG!! Awesome trailer!!


New member
Not sure if anyone is a fan of FF, but I'm kinda am and not sure if anyone knows about the summer production that's happening this year either, but you can get a quick glimpse of it...and omg, get ready to be totally amazed!! I've NEVER seen anything like this...EVER!! Not even the best game can compare to this!! Not even CLOSE! Makes the Ark Demo look like a funny joke. And I thought that the Ark Demo was hot stuff too.

Make sure to view the big video file...about 20mbs. Let it load completely first so you don't spoil yourself. If anyone has been keeping track of that site, you'll remember that they had that other trailer for months and now that have this new awesome one....omg omg omg omg...I'm hyperventilating...omg omg omg omg...heh heh

Enjoy the trailer fellas! And don't go login there at the same some bandwidth for me...cuz I'll be there a lot too! heh heh :)

Now, if only games can look like this all the can only dream... :)

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