Old PCs


Rage Pro ***
I was just wondering about what was the first PC you guys ever purchased? I first got a 486SX/33 with 4 MB RAM just to play a demo of Doom.
Tandy Color Computer II (bought in June, 1985)
16kb, ROM Basic and 1500bps cassette drive
attached to 12" B&W television.

Still have it in the basement. Still works.
First computer I bought was a Vic 20... but I was really too young to remeber anything about it.

The first PC I ever owned, was also the first one I built : a 386 DX/40 with 4MB of RAM. Ah, those were the days :-)
Wow, good times, good times! First machine in my life was....either an Amstrad w/ no HD, forgot almost all specs. It had CP/M and a weird floppy drive in which the disks were the same width, but longer than a 3 1/2". They were double sided in teh sense that you could flip the disk over and save to the other side too! It had a built in amber/green monitor and an archaic dot matrix printer. The other one it could have been, like I said it's fuzzy, was a Franklin 400 (something like that). It was a clone of the Apple IIe, but was actually much better. The floppy was built in and it was much lighter and smaller and cooler looking. It was black instead of the beige yellowish of the IIe's. It was mated with a small color monitor and no printer.
Compaq Presario 5528

baby still runs like a charm.... i love it

its my brothers now, and we are replacing it soon, but when we do that it will become my moms computer :-)
First computer was a Commodore Vic 20 which I broke, the second Computer I got was not til '90's a 486DX33. I was major stylin with that speed demon.
386SX-25, 2MB RAM, 105MB HD, 512KB video (trident, i think), MS-DOS 5.0 without windows, man, i even got a 1,44MB FDD :D though they usually sold the 1,2MB ones (5 1/4")
i was 10-11 years old, must have been 1992 or 1993, dunno anymore

the one
My First PC....

K6-2 300mhz / 66 fsb
Aopen ax5tc (430tx)
128mb pc100 sdram
13gb ATA33
ATi xpert 98 8mb
TB Daytona PCI

Oh yeah it was one of the best in 1998