Okay, WTF!! What happened to C#??


Active member
Over a year ago I made this program in C#: http://metanet.2.forumer.com/index.php?showtopic=10612
Unfortunately I lost the source code in a format and can't find a copy anywhere :(

So I decided to redo it in C# again, but when I opened a new project in VS 2005, I don't recognize anything really in the header files, has it really been that long??

I'm doing stuff like this:

private: System::Void btnStart_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {

And I'm like, wtf?? pointers?? I don't remember having to do that. I used to do like lstMapData.Items.Add("whatever"). Am I really that out of touch or was their a major update to C#??
Over a year ago I made this program in C#: http://metanet.2.forumer.com/index.php?showtopic=10612
Unfortunately I lost the source code in a format and can't find a copy anywhere :(

So I decided to redo it in C# again, but when I opened a new project in VS 2005, I don't recognize anything really in the header files, has it really been that long??

I'm doing stuff like this:

private: System::Void btnStart_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {

And I'm like, wtf?? pointers?? I don't remember having to do that. I used to do like lstMapData.Items.Add("whatever"). Am I really that out of touch or was their a major update to C#??

What I see there is C++ code, not C#

private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thats how C# code would look like.
What I see there is C++ code, not C#

private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thats how C# code would look like.

That's strange, as the project I selected was a C# project. But I was wondering why there were .h and .cpp files lol.

Thanks, I'll take a look and make sure it's using C# as project settings.