Oh, oh. Copy-Protected Hard Disks?


New member
Apparently, there is an industry-driven proposal to modify the ATA standard so that it necessitates the registration of your software with your hard drive! The upshot may be that software you've purchased and registered with the drive will simply not run on any other drive! If you want to upgrade your drive, too bad; you'll have to repurchase the software.

Check out this article
and do be sure to check out the related article on the same site:


this is spooky stuff! even MSFT opposes it... must not make them any money ;). talk about a greedy industry (entertainment) that will stop at nothing to rape the consumer of every last penny they can squeeze into their own pockets. I pity the artists (the real ones that make/do their own work and are not "assembled" by a corporation), including software programmers.
Yes, it instantly recalls the days when Intel wanted to have an ID number on each and every CPU. Talk about opening the door to a major invasion of privacy! This should scare any innervated human being!
just think if this happens, no more upgrading your hd, and if you do, you'll have to spend more money on the games you wan to play on it, it's all for the money, all so those greedy *******s can take more of our money.


Athlon 650@747
Abit KA7
128 pc100 ram
WD 13.6gb HD
Voodoo 3 3000
Soundblaster Live! Value
Sony Dolby Digital Home theater
Look, I like a technical challenge and all but this is looking like if you don't have a unique hard disk identifier (say you've disabled it) then you may not be permited to purchase/run software. Like that DivX crap a few years back; designed to prevent pirating.

Macho bravado can be cool when it is justified (really, I'm sure you are very talented...) but is little better than stupid when it betrays an underestimation of the given situation. The discussion is worth more than a dismissive wave of the hand! Better to not let the thing happen in the first place.