Official Catalyst Application Profiles FAQ!

12.8 CAP2

New profiles added to this release:
  • Guide Wars 2 – Improves games performance.

New profiles not mentioned in the notes:

F1 2012
Darksiders 2
Depth Hunter
Sweet, thanks for the info.

Hows the Driver forced AA and SSAA in dx10/11 games, is it to your liking ?

I really would like to play around with it some more but from what I've seen so far compatibility is pretty good. It works in games where Nvidia's methods didn't work for me like Fallout 3. I also really like the lod correction. It keeps the image sharp enough.
No profiles listed

No profiles listed

After installing 12.8 CAP2, following the correct uninstall, reboot, install, reboot procedure, I find there are NO profiles listed in the drop list - see this pic. :nuts:
Trying another uninstall/reinstall now. Will update further when I have more..
erm, it says right there in that picture. "This setting only applies to user defined profiles"

CAP profiles wont be listed there.
A full driver reinstall fixed

A full driver reinstall fixed

So, I had to fully uninstall the driver package, reinstall it, and then install 12.8 CAP2 again..

Profiles are listed as they should be...

Simply uninstalling 12.8 CAP2 and reinstalling 12.7 CAP3 resulted in an empty list too, hence the full uninstall/reinstall of the entire package. :hmm: :rolleyes:
12.8 CAP 3 here.

New profiles added to this release:
- Borderlands 2 – New CrossFire profile
- Guild War 2: Resolves grass texture corruption observed when changing graphics settings in a CrossFire configuration
- World of Warcraft(DX9): Fix the flickering observed when view distance is changed to fair in graphics settings when CrossFire is enabled
- Depth Hunter: Resolves shadow flickering seen when running in CrossFire mode
- Dirt Showdown – Resolves flickering seen in CrossFire mode
- Stalker Call of Pripyat – Resolves flickering seen in CrossFire mode
- War of Roses – Fixes flickering seen in CrossFire mode

I'll make sure to install that. I really hope that I can force AA from the control center.
the profile for Borderlands 2:

<profile Area="UDX" Usage="Borderlands2" Notes="Borderlands 2">
<value Property="Version">2</value>
<value Property="CrossfireProf">True</value>
<value Property="CompatAFRFlags">0x1</value>
<value Property="SuperSampleAA">False</value>
12.9 CAP 1 profile is out but we don't have the 12.9 drivers? Is that how it works?

- World of Warcraft - Mist of Pandaria (DX11, DX9): Fixes texture flickering observed when enabling high graphics settings with CrossFire enabled
- World of Warcraft - Mist of Pandaria (DX9): Resolve corruption when enabling Anti-Aliasing through the Catalyst Control Center (Anti-Aliasing should be enabled through the applications settings
- World of Warcraft - (DX9): Resolves performance issues observed with the 64-bit variant of the client
- Tribes Ascend: Improves CrossFire performanceen running in CrossFire mode
- F1 2012: Improves CrossFire performance, resolves texture flickering in reflections
To me it looks like the new CAP is not installing properly. The extracted xml file looks the same before and after installing it. I am using the Catalyst 12.11 Beta.

When used in conjunction with the Catalyst 12.10 WHQL it is the same.

Installing the Catalyst 12.9 CAP1 on top of the Catalyst 12.10 WHQL works. When I install the Catalyst 12.10 CAP1 it reverts back to the profiles inside the Catalyst 12.10 WHQL. :nuts:
I've read the FAQ but still confused about something.
I've installed 12.11 beta and 12.11 profiles, when I go to app profiles and set AA AF ETC for skyrim it asks me if it want to override settings, I press yes and it doesn't get stored on the profiles lists. When I didn't have the profiles installed it was fine.
Also why it asks for override if the FAQs state that app profiles are different from the downloaded optimization profiles?? Shouldn't they coexist or something?
thanks mateys

edit Texas said one page ago that after reinstalling everything the profiles are showing up on the ccc. so wtf are they supposed to show up or not? if not my question stands. this is too confusing...
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I have read various reports of people being not able to install it. AMD is aware of that and will fix it soon.
I have read various reports of people being not able to install it. AMD is aware of that and will fix it soon.

I see, I guess the install is glitched then. I'm using 12.10 because if I install 12.11 I get a "test4505" profile or something like that and new profiles don't get saved.

12.10 has no test profile and new profiles work fine!