You're thinking of washers, like with Radeon VII?
I must admit I did it with Radeon VII, but that card was "only" around 700USD...
Or tilting the case? My problem with tilting is that I use a ssupd Meshlicious, so if I tilt it with GPU fans upwards, if I understood the reddit-fix correctly, the CPU block will "hang". But maybe that's not a big issue?
Ya just tilting it it seems there might not be enough fluid in some vapor chambers on the reference design... others think a driver update will fix it. Too bad if the case cant accommodate a change in gpu orientation . Did the latest driver do anything for temps? I wouldve thought a power savings might help in that as well.
Why would feel the need to upgrade? 3090 should be ample for some time...
Simple enough Id just unscrew and rescrew the screws and avoid the repaste.
Why unscrew? Just tighten everything a turn?
Id try that first sure. But to get proper mounting might need to unscrew/loosen the outside ones first...
You're right I know I don't need to upgrade but that doesn't mean I don't want to! I can get about £600 for my 3090 so it would only cost £400 to £500 to upgrade so not too bad. The actual unavailability is working in my favour really. Might wait 6 months as others have said for the drivers to mature and the price to potentially drop a little bit. Lets see.
I see, thanks. I'll try that first! Btw, where, or what company, are producing these MBA cards? Is it at the factories from the brand on the box?
Ok, so a little update:
I re-pasted the GPU with KingPin KPx, long story short: Sounds good, didn't work for me...