The HU video is timestamped and you can see it mentionned at 45min.
HU is doing a cpu scaling vid, that many gpu reviews dont normally do as they tend to review a gpu with the latest and greatest setup.
But the whole point of AIB gpus is to upgrade the gpu on an older rig. Its kind of surprising so few do cpu scaling.
IMO many if not most are still running well under a 5600x cpu so such a review is valid today as game engines are now well thread aware.
You might think its not a problem putting a 3070 with say a 7700k when that setup is running enough fps to your liking but if you are hitting 100% on cpu you will hitch. And you will have less perf than on a radeon gpu or evenb some nvidia gpu that costs a lot less.
So what I think constitutes a problem, IE paying too much for a gpu for a given setup, might not be for you. It gets sujective as to what is a problem or not. IMO as I said I think this is.
I would think that *most* folks who do their own upgrades and follow hardware would never expect the same level of performance and resource usage by pairing a 30x0 with an older CPU as opposed to a newer one.
Couple that with the fact that maintaining compatibility for older hardware might be problematic after a few years. Drivers are developed for newer hardware moving forward, not maintaining for older hardware that just keeps getting older.
I have an old (3570k) CPU. I would never in my wildest dreams expect to pair a 30x0 with it and expect stellar performance from anything that needs that CPUs resources.
I'm filing this info under "nice to know, but kind of obvious" stuff...