Nvidia Cg toolkit???

Well, I used to program including some (very rudimentary) OpenGL. Does that count?

One thing I did note was that in order to make Cg look even better they compared it to assembly. The problem with any high-level language is that it will never be as fast as hardcoded assembly (short of optimization). Of course, it's much easier to program with a high-level language.

There are a lot of neato assembly tricks, even if I forgot a lot of them now. :)
Lots of opinions:

Currently shaders are not exactly like assembly of x86, there are too few instructions. The above link has come thoughts on this also.

Anyway, could somebody post a hint what's ATI is up to ;) "Stay tuned" or "relying on Microsoft" would be good enough for me :cool:

I can at least hope for an hint, can't I :p :p :p