Nvidia AA flags

I cannot find any useful compatibility flag for "Pirates of Black Cove" probably because it is new game. If someone will find working flag please provide ...
Hello. I just signed up after finding this great thread. Was wondering if anyone knows any AA or SLI flags for Star Trek Legacy. Specifically Ultimate Universe Mod. The game would be awsome with say FXAA or SGSSAA. SLI seems to be broken also if I force it I get a slide show. Thanx alot.
For the most part it's self explanatory. What do you need help with?

Well, I'm a bit confused as to how to force AA on a title like say Wolfenstein, where you have to change the flags.

What are the exact steps to follow because I still see jaggies. I think I'm not doing something right.
I thought I used to see flags for Darksiders, have they been removed? when searching on the internet I see 0x00003301, and 0x00001201, does anyone know what the difference between the 2 is?
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Well, I'm a bit confused as to how to force AA on a title like say Wolfenstein, where you have to change the flags.

What are the exact steps to follow because I still see jaggies. I think I'm not doing something right.

Usually you place the flag under anti-aliasing compatibility -- but also look for Behavior flags and make sure it states none.
Usually you place the flag under anti-aliasing compatibility -- but also look for Behavior flags and make sure it states none.

I think this is what I'm doing wrong.

Also, do I tell it to override program settings?

Thanks, Pauly! :heart:
Set transparency to x4 supersampling as well. I also advise you to try ambient occlusion in Wolfenstein, it looks great imo but you have to set it to high quality - it shimmers with anything lower. The msaa flag is heavy itself but 570 should handle x2msaa + x2trssaa + high quality AO.

Anyway Wolfenstein even with just msaa is :drool:
Set transparency to x4 supersampling as well. I also advise you to try ambient occlusion in Wolfenstein, it looks great imo but you have to set it to high quality - it shimmers with anything lower. The msaa flag is heavy itself but 570 should handle x2msaa + x2trssaa + high quality AO.

Anyway Wolfenstein even with just msaa is :drool:

Agreed but AFAIK there is no MSAA for Wolf and the only flag that works is the SSAA that is used for STALKER.
As I said, I don't believe it's MSAA that's being forced but SSAA.

I may be wrong.

It's msaa for sure, you can force both and compare btw - transparencies are not solved with msaa and the hit from sgssaa is ~twice the hit of msaa (menu on my rig) and very blurry, at least without lod adjustment. Curious why do you think so, if you judge by the hit then note how heavy msaa is for deffered rendering based games.
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I could have sworn I read it somewhere that it was SSAA but since I can't find it I concede the point.

Quite possible as I think I read it too, might have beeen in nhancer times when ordered grid was the only option for Stalker (not 100% positive here). Old news even if so though, there is a whole set of options to choose now.
Ahh, ok, I thought that you deducted it somehow from the soc forced AA history, reading comprehension fail here. Anyway, enjoy msaa in Wolfenstein:)

No, you read it right but I had hoped that another flag existed that would allow me to enable 4x AA and keep a good fps.
No, you read it right but I had hoped that another flag existed that would allow me to enable 4x AA and keep a good fps.

570 should be enough for x4 ms + x4 trss and performance AO (my settings now with 470 at 775/1550/1800 and lowest fps I saw was 30 so you should get a comfortable 40 minimums) or x2 + x2 + high quality AO. Sadly x4 and high quality was too much even for 580.