No full screen controls :(


New member
Hi, I recently noticed that my remote wonder does not work with media player (any version) in full screen. I am not sure why this is, is it normal? is there a way to fix it? I would really like it to work this way, any suggestions would be very welcome. Thank you
I believe that this is normal using Media Player. When in full screen it's not active ("in focus") to recieve the commands from the remote.

As an example, when you press the pause button on the remote:
- It first checks which program is "in focus" (active in the foreground) to see if it's compatible (or has a plug-in installed for that software).
- If it sees that Media Player is running in the foreground, the remote simulates pressing CTRL-P on the keyboard (which is the keyboard shortcut for pause).

Because of the way that Media Player works in full screen mode (it actually works as a background app and isn't in the foreground), the remote doesn't know that it's open and doesn't send a command.

I suppose that the remote software was designed that way so that if you have something like Internet Explorer open, accidentally pressing the pause button doesn't begin printing a webpage (CTRL-P is the keyboard shortcut for Print).

I know that you can assign on the of remote keys to simulate the ESC key, which would take Media Player out of full-screen mode so that the Play/Pause/etc works. If I could figure out a way to assign ALT-ENTER to a button to go back into full screen I'd be a happy camper.

I usually use PowerDVD (and plug-in) to play files now, since it does everything that I need to do and is fully functional in full screen.
Thanks for the feedback, I don't think this is the problem though. It seems to me I used to be able to control media player when it was minimized, when I first installed it infact. I have read that the remote sends out wm_app commands (I think that is what they are called) when there is no plugin in use so I don't see why this doesn't work, do correct me if I am wrong. I would like it to work even though I primarily use zoom player myself and it really doesn't effect me all that much.
StevenB said:

- If it sees that Media Player is running in the foreground, the remote simulates pressing CTRL-P on the keyboard (which is the keyboard shortcut for pause).

Because of the way that Media Player works in full screen mode (it actually works as a background app and isn't in the foreground), the remote doesn't know that it's open and doesn't send a command.
on your "accidental printing" thing you are a bit off. i'll point you in the right direction...

doesn't matter if wmp is in focus or not, just get the window and send the command ONLY to that window.

quick test of this: open winamp3 with my plugin and then open notepad and leave notepad in focus. Start a song with the remote, nothing should appear in the notepad window even though you just hit the equivalent of the "X" key.

how this works: in the code there is a FindWindow() call that asks windows to tell me the Handle of winamp. I then take this and send the "X" key ONLY to the window that has the Winamp handle.

So back to the original question, if wmp is really acting as a background app then sending the command to it with this method will allow the remote to be used.