New retro console games


Radeon 8500 64mb
Rage3D Subscriber
I'm really fascinated by this trend of making homebrew games for retro consoles. I'll post some examples in this thread.

[NES]Micro Mages, very fun game, movement reminds me alot of super meat boy. I played 3 player at PRGE this year. Super impressive.

Cool video about how they fit it in 40kb.
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Sydney Hunter games, coming out on nearly everything, including SNES, Master System, Colecovision, C64, etc. (also switch, xbone, ps4)

This is a venture from a youtuber named Gamester81, along with a team of devs. I saw him showcase the switch version at PGRE this year. Game looks great, and takes cues from many games, but its biggest influence is Montezuma's revenge.

Master system version:

Switch version:
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[Genesis]Wolfenstein 3d - Amazing port that really shouldn't be able to exist. I don't think it's been released on a cartridge at this point, but apparently runs great on an everdrive.

Side-by-side comparison against the SNES version. Keep in mind that the SNES version uses the FX2 chipset, while the Genesis version has no special chips.
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[Atari 2600]Pac-Man 4k - Amazing modern port that fits in the same 4k constraints as the official Pac-Man game for the 2600.

Compare against the original Pac-Man for 2600, prolly the worst pacman game ever.

Also check out Pac-Man 8k, which really takes it to the next level. Although I believe it's a different author, but clearly using many of the same tricks as teh 4k version.
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Here's an in-progress version of Doom. Runs surprisingly smooth. Hopefully this is real and it actually launches someday.

I modded a controller to play wolfenstein with shoulder strafe buttons. Hopefully Doom will be able to use it too?
More Genesis games:

Xeno Crisis, amazing twin-stick shooter, looks alot like Smash TV:

Paprium, which is on an 80mb cart:
Also, there's a homebrew version of Doom for 3D0 that runs alot better than the official version:


Compare to the official 3D0 port, for reference:
^Interesting story about typical corporate shenanigans, of which I was unaware in 1996. All I knew was the 3DO port was awful. Compared to a game like PO'ed it was clearly not a hardware limitation that held it back.

The Jaguar port was very well done in comparison.

EDIT: Still watching. Neat to see the person who essentially built Killing Time. That was a fantastic game. Used FMV sequences and integrated it into the map so that live action ghosts looked and acted like holograms.
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^Interesting story about typical corporate shenanigans, of which I was unaware in 1996. All I knew was the 3DO port was awful. Compared to a game like PO'ed it was clearly not a hardware limitation that held it back.

The Jaguar port was very well done in comparison.

EDIT: Still watching. Neat to see the person who essentially built Killing Time. That was a fantastic game. Used FMV sequences and integrated it into the map so that live action ghosts looked and acted like holograms.

So the Saturn had multiple games that released early in sub-par states, and then later released improved versions of. Virtual Fighter, Daytona, and maybe a few others? Maybe 3D0 should have done that too.
So the Saturn had multiple games that released early in sub-par states, and then later released improved versions of. Virtual Fighter, Daytona, and maybe a few others? Maybe 3D0 should have done that too.

The 3DO wasn't a success, so there probably wasn't enough of a call for it.
Here's an in-progress version of Doom. Runs surprisingly smooth. Hopefully this is real and it actually launches someday.

Well shoot, it's not really real afterall... turns out it's doing most of the game's processing on the FPGA on the mega everdrive. So it's not a hyper-optimized port running on the Genesis hardware. Cool project, but I was hoping for something different, and frankly something impossible.
[Genesis]Wolfenstein 3d - Amazing port that really shouldn't be able to exist. I don't think it's been released on a cartridge at this point, but apparently runs great on an everdrive.

Side-by-side comparison against the SNES version. Keep in mind that the SNES version uses the FX2 chipset, while the Genesis version has no special chips.

Didnt wolf3d snes come out before any of the super FX chips? I thought it was strictly mode7 effects.

It was DOOM That uses the FX2 chip, and surprisingly was a better port than some of its more powerful counterparts.
Didnt wolf3d snes come out before any of the super FX chips? I thought it was strictly mode7 effects.

It was DOOM That uses the FX2 chip, and surprisingly was a better port than some of its more powerful counterparts.
Oh, you're right. I'm getting it mixed up with Doom.
My last couple of days retro purchases, heavily marked down at Walmart.



And now both are out of stock, I was surprised they lasted 2 days in stock as the markdowns were more then 50 percent. The Atgames setup looks like it can do alot as well as being wireless.
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Damn, those are both awesome! Personally I think I'd prefer separate joysticks. I get that it's meant to be like actual arcades, but that's a bit unwieldy. Are you gonna put it on a coffee table? I'd even consider some sort of standup platform if you wanna be super authentic.

Still, awesome!
Damn, those are both awesome! Personally I think I'd prefer separate joysticks. I get that it's meant to be like actual arcades, but that's a bit unwieldy. Are you gonna put it on a coffee table? I'd even consider some sort of standup platform if you wanna be super authentic.

Still, awesome!

Going to decorate my living room with retro.:D, I have a small 2 chair bar type setup I'm going to stick the small Galaga cabinet on and I will see and not sure how well it will work out but I have a double wide foot stool that is the same height as the love seat/couch I'm going to set it on and connect the wireless station that comes with it to the 65" TV in the living room. Feel that might be to low but I guess I will see. I also have a sturdy folding type table that might make it better. I also like the ability to use this for my PinballFX games on steam with the buttons on the side like a pinball machine. I can connect it to my PC through USB if I want to use it for games for steam.

Also the plus with the duel sticks they have them so you can use it for dual stick games such as Robotron and smashTV.
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