new MoHAA ver 1.11 patch out today!!

mark24 said:
I dont know why but that patch totally wrecked my system,i've just spent the last few hours formatting and reinstalling everything.

YOu didn't use System restore?? It usually works like a charm.

So is this game worth buying??:) I'm going out to Best Buy today. I sure wish Grand Theft Auto 3 was out for the PC:D
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I just patched the game to 1.11 last night; however, I also changed drivers from the 6043s to 6052s. I started playing and after about half an hour it locked up. Then I rebooted and restarted the game and it locked. So I was ready to reinstall MOHAA when I thought about the drivers. I removed the 6052s and set up the 6043s again. I played for about 6 hours last night with the 1.11 patch and the 6043s on without a problem (save the disappearing allied model in the beginning which occured before the patch anyway....and a dissappearing rifel once in the game). I had everything in the game set to high detail /w 1024 rez. OGL was set to 8x FSAA and no smoothvision.
Almost forgot...RadeonMAXX....yes this game definitly is worth getting. It's the first game I have actually purchased in about 2 years, and it's awesome. I actually stoped playing CS because I like the multi player MOHAA a lot more.
did any of you notice the new weapons menus on the bottom of the screen and new meassages telling you the server is slow?.. well, I just remember after I installed the patch and load the game, an yellow triangle with a /!\ on it shows up on the bottom right hang corner of the screen. When I see that,mohaa will either not load(jump back to desktop) or hangs in the middle of the game. I don't see that when I use patch 1.10.
YES!!! I went to Best Buy today saw that MOHAA was $50.00 I said hell no not this time around.
I just checked my email, there's a special for this game for freakin' 20.00!! Plus 5.99 for shipping. I jumped right up on that deal!!:D:p

I will post a link, it's a 2 day special limited supplies.
Yeah it sucks.. 50 dollars. Hehe to much for me for the moment. I'm just glad I got that special deal for 20.00!! Manual? LOL who needs it?
RadeonMAXX said:
YES!!! I just checked my email, there's a special for this game for freakin' 20.00!! Plus 5.99 for shipping. I jumped right up on that deal!!:D:p

I will post a link, it's a 2 day special limited supplies.

I was just going to post that deal :) :thumbsup: Good call on picking up this game. It really is a blast. I bought it on release day and have played it EVERY day since :)