New Drivers for SBLIVE 5.1 series.


Hidden in plain sight
Well other than those on NTcompatible, i went to the soundblaster site to check on new drivers, and there are some new ones for the sblive 5.1 series cards dated April 17. All OSes.

What sucks is that they appear to be separate ones from the original Live! series.
Nooo Way..If you're lyin, I come hunt you down in the forests of canada CounterStrike style..Go..Go..Go..:)
I'm sayin that as SB Live NEVER updates the drivers..I'm still using the originals from the CD for almost a year..:eek:

Update-They are there..:D Good lookin out Sasquach.. Just they are 19.0MB..Not fun on a Dail-up Modem..:(
(2hrs to go..Maybe I'll watch a movie or go nap..)

I forgot the N in Counter..Dohh..
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dustinyo said:
i just installed them... couldn't tell what is different though

Play some games & see how it sounds..Most importantly if it interferes with your gaming..As sometimes a soundcard puts a heavy strain on a system & giving the skipping of frames,stuttering,looping sound(s) & lock ups that some people here expierence..I have no problems now with my sound/system..I hope these drivers don't ruin my PC's harmony..
Now, about the NON-5.1's. I think we need some drivers. The 5.1's were release much later than the regulars, and they get drivers first. What SHAFT!!!
I ought to sasquachulate those Creative bastards for doing this!!!

Hmm, dont have the guts to try these out on my Live! Value....Kinda contradicts my sasquachish personality doesnt it?? :p
This really kind of makes me mad. I thought ALL the live cards used unified drivers...

Seconds, (even though I knew it was BS marketing hype), when I bought my card, it said "never obsolete"...yeah, right...bunch of BS...
