I just wanted to relay my experience in getting Undying working on my system. Since purchasing Undying a couple weeks ago, I have been plagued by constant CTD's while playing. I have tried everything from updating drivers, updating directx, bios, and finally a fresh install of Win Me. The whole time I was thinking that it was a problem with my Radeon card. Well a couple days ago I finally figured out my problem at least. In my system, I have two SBlive Cards, on one I run WDM drivers which I use as my preffered card for games, ect., and on the other I use APSLive drivers for low latency in music programs. After a long night of rebooting to play Undying, I got upset with all the crashes and decided to change my prefered sound card in the control panel (Sounds/Multimedia)to the APSLive Card. Since that fateful night, I haven't had one crash in Undying. I didn't even know that I could use the APSLive drivers with DirectX, but apparenlty they work. I'm not sure if this will help anyone else, but I've spent so much time on boards trying to figure out the problem, that I thought I would post it.