dhc014 said:As you may notice, the picture is no longer working. If I type it in the address bar, I get the message; "The contents of this site are currently unavailable". Maybe they don't like you using the space just for pictures. I hate how they do that.
dhc014 said:The only good thing about AOL is that you can use the 2MB they give you for just about anything, including image posting!
NitroGL said:
It's so freekin hard to find a good stable *free* web space now-a-days...
RadeonMAXX said:
Wow, maybe I should switch to AOL. Oh, wait...my ISP gives me 80 MB I can use for just about anything.dhc014 said:The only good thing about AOL is that you can use the 2MB they give you for just about anything, including image posting!
Fearless Leader said:Nitro,
Are you using the DOT3 portions of the Pixel Shaders to accomplish this bump mapping?
I'm just asking because the FPS looks surprisingly low, and I'm wondering if the Bump mapping is the culprit.
I know you arent terribly worried about performance at the moment, but here are some pointers in case you arent already doing this:NitroGL said:
Yeah, the DOT3 does have something to do with it. But it's more of my unoptimized shadow volumes that are causing it (I'm using shadows on the WHOLE model, which includes all triangles).
CBrennan [ATI] said:
I know you arent terribly worried about performance at the moment, but here are some pointers in case you arent already doing this:
Are you using a vertex program to do the shadow volume extrusion, or are you uploading a new volume every frame? It depends on other CPU load and model sizes as to which is faster: uploading optimized volumes, or using vertex shaders to create them from static geometry.
Also, while compression of normal maps looks ugly, i've found that on noisy bump maps RGB565 can look the same and get a touch of speed back, and you should almost always compress base maps. Play with that and also try playing with the texture filter modes particularly on the uncompressed maps.
Oh, and full screen can sometimes be faster than windowed mode.