MUAHAH!!! suck THIS 3dFX!!


Hidden in plain sight
HAHA, Warcraft 3 will not support GLIDE. They dont want to. They will support D3D and Opengl.
This way this game will run good on all cards (unlike the UT engine).

Damn this game looks NICE. Im signin up for the beta test whenever its available.

Never fear, The Sasquach is here!
Not canceled jsut not made by 3DFX

Not speaking for all and if Iam wrong I never said it.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial, Verdana" size="2">Originally posted by Sasquach:
This way this game will run good on all cards (unlike the UT engine).</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're a moron.
But hey, 3dfx making an attempt at hsr is a good thing for only the reason it'll give the nvidia loyalists to fire all ammo at 3dfx loyalists... (anyone remember the ol' 16bit vs. 32bit war???)

let the ol' 3dfx|nvidia crap shoot start again!!!

hey, anything that makes those 2 parties go at each others throats is a good thing :D

i'll enjoy sitting back and watching... from a distance :D

[This message has been edited by SonyDude (edited 12-06-2000).]
Hey guys..
Hate to say this...but my Voodoo5 is ripping the Radeon apart so far! :) The Voodoo5 has had many driver sets released and the damn thing is fast now...much faster than all those initial benchmarks everyone saw. So far the Radeon can't match the fps the v5's kinda disappointing..
Hopefully these new drivers will fix that though!

Dean Nottis
Webmaster (EIC)
Just sho me. You sho me any benhmarks where the Voodod5 is ripping the radeon apart. I won't not believe it untill I sees it. Sho me, I think we will all like see that. I donut believe it. You better sho them to us or chut up!!!
Man, you people need to stop talking stupid. Have you forgotten 3dfx was the FIRST REAL 3d card worth buying for the pc?? It was a god when it came out, now you all sit here with your little nVIDIA cards, thinking you're so good. It's nothing but a trend, in a year it will be something else. So stop being so ignorant.
happy-joy, you want benchmarks showing the v5 beating the radeon,well heres teh voodoo 5 beating the radeon by 50%!!!!!
descent 3....
max framerate 350fps
min framerate 97fps
average 131fps
max framerate 165fps
min framerate 19frs
average 64 fps

these were taken at 800x 600 in descnet 3 at 32 bit color, glide was used for v5 opengl was used for radeon... the d3d scores were on average 10 fps slower.........

and yes the v5 looks better in this games too...Just proves that you cant base a card off one game(quake 3???).......according to my results the v5 is by far the best card, well as long as I'm only benching d3.....

But staying on topic, there are other games the v5 beats out the radeon on, and there are a few the the radeon rulz all depends on which you play...
Of course the Voodoo is faster, that is in Glide! put both in Opengl and the Radeon will win, that's really not very fair.


Athlon 650@747
Abit KA7
128 pc100 ram
WD 13.6gb HD
Voodoo 3 3000
Soundblaster Live! Value
Sony Dolby Digital Home theater
Me?... I've got the best of both worlds. A Radeon AIW AND... a Quantum3D X-24 (2 Voodoo 2's in SLI on ONE board! Cost $499 when it first came out!). The Radeon may come and go over time if something better comes along... but I doubt if I'll EVER pull the X-24 out. I've still got some older Glide games around that I like to play; and belive it or not... I still get faster frame rates on some games with it as well. When Earth 2150 runs it's configuration test on both cards... it always reports a faster FPS for the 3DFx by about 20 FPS! Haven't figured that one out yet. And no... don't blame it on the game... it's a rock-solid one. And for those having problems with Imperium Galactica 2 on their Radeons... it runs fine on mine.
heheh... i think 3dfx did that with the v3 and called it the v5 (minor core enhancements and renamed it to vsa100) :D
