Moh:aa Sucks !!! Why?!?


New member
I don't know about you guys but most of the servers on the net sucks, on top of that when you are connecting there is no way of knowing witch version the server is running ! All to say that before I can find a good working server, the evening is over and I managed to play maybe around 45 min. out of 3 waisted hours........

WTF are they waiting to release a PATCH ????

-The Browser Refreshes each time you open it !
-Map bugs (Cheats)
-Collision bug (see trough walls)
-CVAR consol commands that don't work.
-Server Problems

I'm not too happy of the online side of MOHAA.

If you have any suggestion or tricks to find good servers let me know.

Thanks in advance.
they whored themselves out to gamespy, as every major game does these days, and gamespy sucks. That's the browser problem. They also seem to think that because of the hype given to the game, the developer can get away with sh*tty AI and terrible MP. this sucks, blatantly.
If you use Gayspy then on the top left near Join Game & Refresh list.
There is a button where you can select what version servers.
Either 1.0 or 1.10.

Most MOHAA servers are laggy. With good servers few & far between.
Due to that crappy gamespy software. I don't like using it.
It's a cool game, it's almost a shame..:(
All Seeing Eye

All Seeing Eye

I've been using this for a while (I think the last post on this board that mentioned it was when I started using it) and, unlike kquery which seems hackish, wierd, and difficult to understand, it is a streamlined and better replacement for gamespy/gsa. If you remember how the non-arcade gamespy3d used to work, and are appalled by the differences they decided to chuck into gsa instead of enhancing gamespy3d, this program is for you.