MMC7.2: Can't initialise TV FOUND OUT WHY!


New member
I've been searching for a resource like this forum for months in the hope that someone might be able to throw light on a problem which has continued to bug and just about beaten me completely.

I have an ATI AIW 32MB PRO AGP (which I have had for a number of years) installed on my PC. I have used the card on the same PC under WIN98 and WIN2K without any problems, and I know the card is OK because I've tested it recently. My current is:

Asus (A7V) / Bios Revision 11011.
Athlon Thunderbird 1.3 MHz.
768 MB RAM.
Soundblaster Live.
ATI AIW 32Mb Rage 128 Pro. AGP
ATI driver version 6.13.3279.0 + MMC 7.2
WinXp SP1.
Dirext X 9.0b.

My problem is that everthing is installed and running OK, with one exception. When I try to initialise the TV tuner, the wizard does not display any regions, thus I cannot set up the TV function. The entire contents of the ATI error log reads as follows:

*** Log Manager 0: Opened on: 04/01/2004 [00:33:25]
[00:33:32] CTunerControl_DS:Setup: Failed to build list of supported countries
[00:33:32] TuneCon::SetCable:: is not available in supported country list
[00:33:32] CPControl_DS:Setup: Failed to load Parental Control Detection Filter
*** Log Manager 0: Closed on: 04/01/2004 [00:34:13]

With limited knowledge, I've just about exhausted all possible solutions I can think of and wondered if anyone has experienced such a problem, or can point me in the direction of a solution.

Any comments or help would be gratefully appreciated

Many thanks,

Anthony K
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Re: ATI AIW PRO & MMC7.2: Can't initialise TV

Re: ATI AIW PRO & MMC7.2: Can't initialise TV

This is the first time I had heard of this error.
If you have a ATI AIW PRO 128 which seems to be what you have I can at least say "it should work". My wife has that card in her system and is running WinXP PRO SP1 as well.

The country code should be ok but you can check the "Control Panel/Regional and Language Options" to see if it is setup correctly.

You may want to also check the "Device Manager" to see if you have any yellow check boxes.


hypnoman said:
I've been searching for a resource like this forum for months in the hope that someone might be able to throw light on a problem which has continued to bug and just about beaten me completely.

I have an ATI AIW 32MB PRO AGP (which I have had for a number of years) installed on my PC. I have used the card on the same PC under WIN98 and WIN2K without any problems, and I know the card is OK because I've tested it recently.

I now have winXP SP1 installed and dirext X9b. in addition to the latest drivers and software(recommended by ATI): driver version 6.13.3279.0 and MMC 7.2

My problem is that everthing is installed and running OK, with one exception. When I try to initialise the TV tuner, the wizard does not display any regions, thus I cannot set up the TV function. The ATI error log contains the following error message: CTunerControl_DS:Setup: Failed to build list of supported countries.

With limited knowledge, I've just about exhausted all possible solutions I can think of and wondered if anyone has experienced such a problem, or can point me in the direction of a solution.

Any comments or help would be gratefully appreciated

Many thanks,

Anthony K
Re: Re: ATI AIW PRO & MMC7.2: Can't initialise TV

Re: Re: ATI AIW PRO & MMC7.2: Can't initialise TV

Hi Greg,

Many thanks for your reply, your comments are much appreciated. I thought this might be a common problem, however, since you obviously have some experience and have not heard of this error, it's perhaps not that common.

I've checked out both "Device Manager" and ""Control Panel/Regional and Language Options", and everything is set up and working OK with no apparent problems, so for the time being, it looks like I'm back where I started on this one.

Your input has been usefull in that it has eliminated a couple of variables: device manager, regional settings, and the fact that you're wife has a similar setup that works. You've also inspired me to update my original post to include details of hardware and the ATI error log, which might just 'ring a bell' with someone out there.

Can you confirm whether or not the same ATI display driver is installed on your wife's system?

Many thanks


grog said:
This is the first time I had heard of this error.
If you have a ATI AIW PRO 128 which seems to be what you have I can at least say "it should work". My wife has that card in her system and is running WinXP PRO SP1 as well.

The country code should be ok but you can check the "Control Panel/Regional and Language Options" to see if it is setup correctly.

You may want to also check the "Device Manager" to see if you have any yellow check boxes.

Re: Re: Re: ATI AIW PRO & MMC7.2: Can't initialise TV

Re: Re: Re: ATI AIW PRO & MMC7.2: Can't initialise TV

Sure thing,
Display driver is the same, MMC has been updated but I did have the version currently on ATI's site running on her system for a long time.

My wife is currently running the following:


Prior to installing MMC 7.6 I had MMC 7.2 / DVD 5.0 running on the system (Same ones on ATI's site).

I have included links to the components that my wife has been running now for the past . The following drivers have been very stable since they were install a couple of years ago now.

Keep in mind the drivers on ATI's site for the ATI AIW PRO128 worked fine as well and my wifes system ran them for a long time. There are just a lot of new features in the later versions of MMC that really were worth the install. My wife does use the TV feature a lot and records often.

---------------- Files to go beyond MMC 7.2/DVD 5.0 -----------------------------
--- Use at your own risk, not supported by ATI with the AIW PRO 128 ----

Windows XP Display Driver build 6.13.3279
Filename: wxpr1286133279.exe

WDM Capture Driver build
Filename: TV-CAPTURE-WDM-6-13-10-5118.EXE
DVD 7-6

MMC 7-6 nodvd (could not find on ATI's site but here is which should work)
------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


hypnoman said:
Hi Greg,

Many thanks for your reply, your comments are much appreciated. I thought this might be a common problem, however, since you obviously have some experience and have not heard of this error, it's perhaps not that common.

I've checked out both "Device Manager" and ""Control Panel/Regional and Language Options", and everything is set up and working OK with no apparent problems, so for the time being, it looks like I'm back where I started on this one.

Your input has been usefull in that it has eliminated a couple of variables: device manager, regional settings, and the fact that you're wife has a similar setup that works. You've also inspired me to update my original post to include details of hardware and the ATI error log, which might just 'ring a bell' with someone out there.

Can you confirm whether or not the same ATI display driver is installed on your wife's system?

Many thanks

Re: Re: Re: Re: ATI AIW PRO & MMC7.2: Can't initialise TV

Re: Re: Re: Re: ATI AIW PRO & MMC7.2: Can't initialise TV

Many thanks for the information. Very interesting, I've had a look at the MMC 7X (did not make any difference) and can see the advantage of the extra features. During install, it did ask me to install 'wmfdist.exe', but the ATI link did not work and I could not find the file on the ATI site.

Like you said though, the ATI stuff I've got installed should word fine, so I'm going to stay focused on trying to resolve this issue first, and then look at the options of getting later versions to work. This forum has now got me hooked on wanting to get the best out of my card.

Don't know if it should make any difference, but I've installed a couple of utilities which look at the hardware spec: my card comes up as an AIW 32 MB RAGE 128 Pro. AGP


grog said:
Sure thing,
Display driver is the same, MMC has been updated but I did have the version currently on ATI's site running on her system for a long time.

My wife is currently running the following:


Prior to installing MMC 7.6 I had MMC 7.2 / DVD 5.0 running on the system (Same ones on ATI's site).

I have included links to the components that my wife has been running now for the past . The following drivers have been very stable since they were install a couple of years ago now.

Keep in mind the drivers on ATI's site for the ATI AIW PRO128 worked fine as well and my wifes system ran them for a long time. There are just a lot of new features in the later versions of MMC that really were worth the install. My wife does use the TV feature a lot and records often.

---------------- Files to go beyond MMC 7.2/DVD 5.0 -----------------------------
--- Use at your own risk, not supported by ATI with the AIW PRO 128 ----

Windows XP Display Driver build 6.13.3279
Filename: wxpr1286133279.exe

WDM Capture Driver build
Filename: TV-CAPTURE-WDM-6-13-10-5118.EXE
DVD 7-6

MMC 7-6 nodvd (could not find on ATI's site but here is which should work)
------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Working (almost)

Working (almost)

Purely by accident, I managed to get the thing working. I've found that the TV initialisation wizard (on my system anyway) will not display regions unless language setting are set to United States. Once I did this, I was able to choose United Kingdom from the regions list and perforn the channel scan. I then set up all the channels, and put the language settings in control panel back to United Kingdom.

The scan found all the channels and the quality was excellent. thats the good news, the bad news is that on reboot all the TV settings were lost and I had to start over. It seems as if they were not saved. Anyway, I'm in the process of investigating this issue further, unless of course anyone has any ideas or suggestions to offer.

I have tried out the MMC 7.7, which behaved just as above. Although it seemed problematic and the system seemed to struggle with it. Got the error message that this MUST be installed with a Radion card, so I'm not sure if it would work properly. I did get windows compatibility error messages.

I've managed to get hold of MMC 7.6 and the associated files, might just give this a try, but again, according to ATI it's not suitable for my card. However, you say that its working OK on your wife's machine, so are these compatability issues that important? or is there a way to get around them and make it work.

MMC7.2: Can't initialise TV FOUND OUT WHY!

Found that the TV initialisation wisard will not show any regions unless the language setting in XP's control panel are set to United States. Managed to tune all the channels and the quality in both picture and sound was great. However, on reboot all channels found and set up were still displayed but no picture or sound, as if the program had failed to save the settings.

Just for curiosity, I decided to install the following:


Software installed without error, and runs with none of the problem experienced with MMC 7.1. Managed to tune TV (same rules seem to apply: language must be set to UK). Got channels, but very poor reception, flickering picture, loss of colour, as if it lacks fine tuning, but the sound seems OK.

MMC 7.6 feels like a nice piece of kit so I'd like to get it working propery if possible. I Installed MMC 7.6 before wdm-6-13-10-5118, got all the regions but autoscan found nothing. After updating the wdm, things started to happed, so I suspect my current reception/tuning problem might be driver related.

would welcome any suggestion, of maybe alternative drivers I could try?


Asus (A7V) / Bios Revision 11011.
Athlon Thunderbird 1.3 MHz.
768 MB RAM.
Soundblaster Live.
ATI AIW 32Mb Rage 128 Pro. AGP
ATI driver version 6.13.3279.0 + MMC 7.2
WinXp SP1.
Dirext X 9.0b.
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Working perfectly! Issue resolved

Working perfectly! Issue resolved

Many thanks to Greg for the information and input. I've now installed the following:

Teletext for ATI

Everything is working perfectly, performace is excellent, and the system seems absolutely stable. You were right, the additional features are worth the install, and I'm glad that I went to the trouble of experimenting with different versions of MMC and drivers.

With regard to the TV initialisations problem (no regions), I found that the crucial setting here was: control panel\regional & Language Options\Standard Formats. I found that this MUST be set to United States otherwise TV initialisation and tuning just won't work. The location settings were OK left set to United Kingdom.

I also found that in the TV initialisations wizard, choosing the extensive scan option was not very successful, however, choosing the fast scan option worked a treat.

I got round the language problem by leaving the standard Formats set to United States and customising the contents of that section for United Kingdom.

Just like to conclude that I've struggled for months to try and get my AIW to work and this forum has obviously proven to be a valuable resource for those sharing problems and solutions.

Once again, many thanks to Greg (user grog) for the information and comments.


Asus (A7V) / Bios Revision 11011.
Athlon Thunderbird 1.3 MHz.
768 MB RAM.
Soundblaster Live.
ATI AIW 32Mb Rage 128 Pro. AGP
WinXp SP1.
Dirext X 9.0b.
Problem fully resoved!

Problem fully resoved!

This issue is now fully resolved courtesty of information and imput from Greg (user grog).

Many thanks.
t last!!

t last!!

At last here, on this forum i found the solution of my problem.
My problem is the same as above just like hypnoman had.

Now i got rid of the setup wizard sh** and scan for the first time all the channels avaiable.

I dont accept to solve the complete installation tonight cuz some of my drivers are just "defalt" from, which are not gonna be supported as its @ defined.

Anyway, i'm glad, i could scan some channels for now and i'm gonna post further news when i'm done or the system gets more stabil.

Many thanks to hypnoman and grog and his wife :-)
Best Regards,
Installed the following sofware and all works properly.

System information.
Mainboard: Elite Group
CPU: 2000+ AMD
1st G.Card: Matrox G400 Dual 32 Mb (AGP)
2.nd G.Card: Ati Rage Pro All in Wonder 8 Mb (PCI)
1Gig DDr RAM
1.Monitor 22" IIyama (Connected to Matrox)
2.Monitor 17" Philips (Connected to Matrox)
3.Monitor 19" Belinea (Connected to Rage Pro)

Location Information
I live in Germany and have cabel-tv (analog)

Best regards and thx again.