Mission to Mars=Stupid movie!


New member
Rented the DVD a couple of weeks ago and my first statement after it was over was "that was just f'n stupid!". It's hard enough for people to take sci-fi movies seriously especially when crap like this abounds.

Here's a few of my beefs with it:

1. If the alien ship receives the wrong signal, why does it kill the senders? in such an elaborate way yet too. You'd think it just wouldn't open the door.

2. That black guy surviving in a flappy tent on mars where the avg. temp is around -20C to -70C? and the CO2 atmosphere pressure is 1% of earths--don't think so.

3. how does that little icicle of fuel destroy the whole dam ship?

4 when Tim Robbins takes off his helmet and they show his freeze dried melon, why does he look like that guy from C+C Music Factory?

5 that poor black guy is on mars for how many months? and all he thinks about is -what is secret to that crazy space tornado? and then Gary Sinise comes in, somehow recognizes that tiny shred of DNA is human DNA and solves the whole puzzle in like 20 minutes.

6. If the aliens seeded earth with DNA a kabillion years ago, how do they know what human DNA would evolve to look like?

7. How can so many people be involved in the making of a movie like this and no one notices that it's stupid?

Yeah I'm picky. But you can make a sci-fi movie that's half way beleiveable, like T2 or Matrix or 2010. This movie is not one of them.
since we are on the topic.. what are some cool movies you saw over the holidays? Here are some of mine

Blood in Blood out (very cool)
Proof of Life (crowe and morse look like brothers)
Frequency (kinda touching)
The Cell (trying to score on the weird side, but failed IMHO)
Vertical Limit (love the tough blond)

[This message has been edited by roki (edited 01-03-2001).]
hey... Red Planet was fairly good imho :D

the disapointing thing about Mission to Mars was when i seen it in the theater, the projector booth idiot cranked the sound past the speakers capabilities -sound and audio tracks were cutting out ontop of the anoying distortion... :(
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial, Verdana" size="2">Originally posted by SonyDude:
... the projector booth idiot cranked the sound past the speakers ...</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Last time I went out to see a movie in a theatre (several years ago) I decided never to return. The amazing power of the sound systems they have now is just plain dangerous.

One has to wonder if the movie industry has any major stake in the hearing aids industry! You pay to get your ears f***ed up today, and you'll have to pay later for hearing anything at all.

It's not so much a matter of exceeding the power that can be fed into the speakers, but a matter of how much decibels is safe for the ears in the *short* run.

Regards, ../K
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial, Verdana" size="2">Originally posted by BeardedClem:
Here's a few of my beefs with it:

I haven't seen the movie but I can agree with your points. I ask myself similar questions quite often (read: all the time) when I watch action movies or sci-fi stuff in general.

I find it offensive when special effects people and those who hire them take us for complete idiots, ignorant of any science at all. Some seem to just like to blow things up and expect the public in general will not notice gross exagerations, whatever they may be.

I guess that when they don't have a good story to tell, movie producers tend to screw-up badly with simple logic and special effects.

Regards, ../K
I thought the inspiration for this movie may have been the cr**py PC game Lightbringer (formerly Cydonia), which I got about a year ago for next to nothing. It turned out to be a really stupid puzzle solving game, with the puzzles so arcane that no one could get through it without shelling the $20 bucks for the solution guide. Someone posted the solutions on the net, but it had become pretty boring even so.
I also thought Robbins' head would have pretty much exploded due the sudden drop from 8-15 atmospheres to zero, rather than freezing.
The the theme has been around for decades, boy meets alien who then takes boy off to explore strange new worlds (or "old man" in the case of Cocoon).
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial, Verdana" size="2">Originally posted by Klingon:
I find it offensive when special effects people and those who hire them take us for complete idiots, ignorant of any science at all. Some seem to just like to blow things up and expect the public in general will not notice gross exagerations, whatever they may be.


I agree. Some people (mostly the drooling ignorant masses who make these movies successful and therefore proliferate) would accuse me of being too judgemental but they really do insult people's intelligence. I believe media and entertainment industry types are typically scientifically illiterate.

I could go on a similar rant about movies like Event Horizon which I just saw last night and especially Independence Day! Probably my most hated of all stupid summer blockbusters.

Bah stupid fonts don't work.

[This message has been edited by BeardedClem (edited 01-07-2001).]

[This message has been edited by BeardedClem (edited 01-07-2001).]