mirrorless cameras...any suggestions for a good one?


Well-known member
Looking for one in a price range of a Nikon d3300 dslr + general purpose f1.8 prime lens (f1.8 35mm Nikon DX lens is about $199).

I would prefer something that has good auto white balance. my sister has a d3100 and the auto white balance and colors are spot on and pictures come out amazing without doing any post processing. I guess i'm looking for something that will give me the same kind of picture quality out of a mirrorless camera.
I've read good things about the Olympus E-PL7 but their prime lens (17mm or 25mm f1.8) are in the $299 range.
Nevermind guys. I've decided to stick with Nikon dslrs. Either 3300 or a 5500 if I can find a decent price on one. I don't think I'll find anything better in regards to price per picture quality ratio. Sure they are a little big these days, but who cares. They aren't monstrously big to carry around especially with a 35 1.8 attached pretty much full-time.
The problem with switching to mirrorless is having to invest in a new mount. I had to dump everything when I moved the the Sony e-mount platform. While I am not one to buy crazy expensive glass, I am still $2k deep in my A6000 kit.

So if you already have lenses and are fine with the size, there is really no need to look at mirrorless.