May you rest in peace my little children


New member
I got my PC back from repair. They only checked the motherboard and CPU because that is all I bought off them. They have replaced both with a new 800Mhz SlotA thunderbird, and a gigabyte G7-IXE mobo.

However on the downside, here is the list of what else has been destroyed:

Creative CDROM
Seagate 30Gb hardrive (along with Visual Basic Final Year Uni project <cry> ) :(
ATI Radeon 64Mb VIVO
Realtek network card
Creative SBlive Value

It appears thay have all been fried, not the power supply/regulators, but all the Chips have been cooked. So it appears something big and nasty has gone up the PCI data bus. It is odd though, that the IDE devices on the secondary channel are Ok! As soon as you turn the PC on, all the knackered chips just heat up until you can smell burning. :(

I have made a small graveyard of the boxes and manuals, (as the cards are being returned :) ) and I won't say a prayer as I'm not religous, and I'd probably <edit>swear</edit> anyway.

May you rest in peace my little children.

[This message has been edited by euankirkhope (edited 12-18-2000).]
Wow! I wasn't following ur posts... what happen to ur PC???

Dual Celeron 300A oc 450, Gigabyte GA-6BXD, ATI Radeon 64MB VIVO 166 oc 180, 256MB SDRAM, Abit HotRod66, IBM DS 34GXP 20.1GB, Pioneer 10x Slot-in DVD, Yamaha 8424 CD-RW, Yamaha YMF744 XG sound, W2K SP1, Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900U.
I think the harddrive shorted, and dumped a load of current down the data channel, frying the CPU and mobo, then the PCI devices. Acutally everything except my LS120 was fried! It could also have been a power surge, but none of the other PC's were effected? All I've still to replace is the Radeon and a soundcard. Off course I've lost most of data, because the backup was about a month old.

The other post about protected storage is another PC! I just reformated it and started again.