Making a database searchable through a Webpage


New member
I am wondering how you can make like an access databse searchable through a website and bring up a list of the searched stuff with links. I am not very good with web page making and I am using frontpage, publisher and golive to make my webpage. well today my boss asked if I could do something like that and I told her I would look into it. well if anyone can help me Thanks alot.
I have experience doing this with MySQL. To do any kind of dynamic database stuff, you need to use something like PHP, Perl, or ASP. Let me know what you have access to and we'll go from there.
What type web server are you using?

What type web server are you using?

What type of web servers are you using?

IIS (Internet Information Server) [Microsoft],
Apache [Linux/Unix], ColdFusion [Its own product],
or something similar?

Since you are using Frontpage, are you using
frontpage extensions?

Just curious.
If FrontPage's extensions are loaded on the web server it will allow
FrontPage to connect directly to your web site and allow direct modification of the site.
Otherwise you usually need to create the files and the use a file transfer program like FTP to put the files in place.
it doesnt need to be runing right now cause I am making the site off the hard drive till it is finished, if u are good at frontpage could u help me out. I have inserted a databse into my webpage but I can open it or search for anything mabey I am doing it the wrong way or something. I am trying to follow the help file but it isnt very helpful
A lot of what you can do with a web site depends
heavly on the web hosting provider.

If the site is being hosted in-house, such as an
intranet site then you need to talk to the department
that is running the server.

If you want to connect to a Microsoft Access database
you would want to use ASP, and HTML.

There are some good books on those two web based
programming languages (well thats what I call them :))

You might also want to look into FrontPages help file
and see what it suggests for making an Access database
connection. It's been awhile since I have used it. ;)

Of this is only just my thoughts.
instanoodles said:
it doesnt need to be runing right now cause I am making the site off the hard drive till it is finished, if u are good at frontpage could u help me out. I have inserted a databse into my webpage but I can open it or search for anything mabey I am doing it the wrong way or something. I am trying to follow the help file but it isnt very helpful

I'll see what I can find, if I can.

No promises though.
I got this far after making my database into a page. I had to remal it from .htm to .asp and I opened it in frontpage and it said the "Database Results regions will not preview unless this page is fetched from a Web server with a web browser. The following table row will repeat once for every record returned by the query." I knida know what it means but I cant put it up on a websever because I am just fooling around with frontpage to see if I can get it to work.
Keep going, I think your on the right path.
Best way to learn it is to figure it out and do it. :p

Using Office and FrontPage together you should
be able to put something together.

Then you can work on hosting it. ;)
it says I cant view it unless it is hosted on a webserver so I am gonna work on it at home and see if I can get it to work, I alsos have a newer version of front page at home.
you need ASP on your web server (your host). It also needs to support Access databases (if it has ASP it probably has Access database support). Without those, your not going to get a searchable database on the web. (of course, you could use some other database/server side scripting language - like MySQL/PHP - but for the purposes of this thread we'll stick with what you know). Then you need to learn ASP scripting and database programming. Neither are extremly difficult and there are tons of web sites out there dedicated to such things (try ). The best advice I can give you right now however is STOP USING FRONTPAGE. If you need, absolutly NEED a wysiwyg editor then get Dreamweaver - else get Homesite. Frontpage is evil, using it to try and learn "web page making" is definitly (Definitly. Definitly. Definitly definitly definitly) the wrong way to go. Avoid it like a plague. A plague coated in anthrax. An antrax coated plague given to you by the 50 year old crack whore down the street who likes to keep things in her soiled pants. Don't use it. Ever. Don't even think about using it. If you ever find yourself thinking about using it, flush you brain out with vinegar and call a physician. If you ever see anyone else thinking about using it, beat them with heavy office equipment until they are unconsious then send subliminal messages to them to not use Frontpage. The world doesn't need another "made with Frontpage" webpage.