I'm sure the link is somewhere in this forum, but ican't seem to find it. Does anyone have the link to where i can find a patch to disable macrovision on the Wonder TV Tuner VE?
Also, for those of you, who have had to keep the TV Driver CD on permanent display (
)/access in thier CD-ROm's the new beta 6.0 driver from Matrox makes a huge differece. it allows you to change the dualhead config. without having to reload the driver each time for theTV tuner.
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet overclocking
I'm sure the link is somewhere in this forum, but ican't seem to find it. Does anyone have the link to where i can find a patch to disable macrovision on the Wonder TV Tuner VE?
Also, for those of you, who have had to keep the TV Driver CD on permanent display (

Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet overclocking