Lucas Arts PC game production fading?


New member
I'm a MAJOR Star Wars fan. I began watching my laserdisc (?) of it and thought, "I'll just install "Alliance" and play it with my relatively newer system". Uh uh.

OK....I've been an avid PC gamer for about 10 years now... I can (or can't) imagine what it's like for today's gamers to understand how we oldies are still hangin' around unlike pastimes of our fathers and grandfathers..Only they never had Star Wars and computers, and so many things have changed since...

Ok...I'm a little juiced...

As my topic questions...I've noticed lately most recent titles of Lucas Arts have gone towards gaming consoles. Updates for previous titles towards newer PC hardware is apparently now, non-existant.

OK...I am now a discon..discon... a pissed off Lucas fan. Titles have been getting cheesier and cheesier (like the movies?), even for the gaming consoles.

Why am I ranting?

I just reinstalled Alliance, and it desperately needs updating. Strange how when I bought the game for my antiquated Pentium 2 system it ran without a hitch. But for my relatively new system, I have video problems, joystick problems, etc. etc....And no wonder...No patches since way back when.

I love Star Wars, but, it has sadly become another franchise as has so many things so that when we, the fans, see something pertaining to what we originally remember, are so disappointed.

Summation?: My game won't run anymore! :(


I have been waiting on a sequel to Full Throttle for a few years now and I do not think it is coming. Sometimes Lucas Arts waits awhile before releasing sequels so I am hoping for this one.
Yep, Full Throttle was excellant!!. It was my first non-theatrical Lucas game...I STILL want to play...oh, crap I'm looped and I can't think of it, oh yeah, Grim Fandango!!
Well Jedi Knight 2 will probably be out at the beginning of April. But Lucasarts have been concentrating on console games lately (Some of which have been pretty crappy). Which sucks since they have made so many great games for the PC: X-Wing (Plus expansions), Tie Fighter (plus expansions), Dark Forces, Dark Forces II (I thought the appearance of Max from Sam and Max in DF 2 was a nice little easter egg :) ), Mysteries of the Sith, X-Wing VS Tie Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, Indiana Jones(and the Fate of Atlantis I think it was called). And yes I am a star wars fan.
Man, I remember when X-Wing was brand new and I was like "Whoa! Those actually sound like TIE FIGHTERS!" I played that game for ages(granted your wingmen were worthless)I'd have like 19 ties shot down, and my 3 wingmen would have like 5. I'd have loved those games to get updated with 3d-acceleration(the old x-wing missions).
Jedi Knight was voted the best pc game of all time by PC Gamer the year it was released. In my opinion it is the best game ever of it's genre. The music ,the live acting cutscenes and the plot are still unsurpassed by any game. Lucas could have made a movie from the plot in this game. The graphics are dated now but as far as overall gaming pleasure it is still the best.
I don't know what a lot of you are talking about, there are a lot of amazing starwars games...

Dark Forces, Jedi Knight + adddons, All of the fighter simulations (except X-wing Vs Tie-fighter), Pod Racer (my favourite game of ALL TIME)

Most of the others are pretty bad but they have their good parts... like the first level of shadows of the empire... I must have played that 1000's of times.

There are also a lot of other good LucasArts games.

Anyway I am pissed at LucasArts for making so many console games although they do seem to be pretty crappy so at least i fell like i am not missing much.

Can't wait for Jedi Outcast, and I'm sure I would love Galaxies if I had the money/time to waste/spend on it.
I am thinking about contacting LucasArts to contract my new idea for a game.

I am going to call it, "The Jar Jar Binks Game".

It is going to be so cool! Just like Jar Jar in the movie. I'm sure you all can't wait for it.
X-Wing, Tie-Fighter, & X-Wing Alliance are some of the best games of all time.

I believe that at the end of 2000 a magazine (could have been PCGamer - maybe something else) made their picks for best simulation game of all time (not just current). They picked Tie-Fighter. They are just all-around great games. The only things it could use are a slightly better AI & an updated graphics engine.

They are still fun games. I play them occasionally. Never had any problems with them.
Re: Lucas Arts PC game production fading?

Why am I ranting?

I just reinstalled Alliance, and it desperately needs updating. Strange how when I bought the game for my antiquated Pentium 2 system it ran without a hitch. But for my relatively new system, I have video problems, joystick problems, etc. etc....And no wonder...No patches since way back when.

I love Star Wars, but, it has sadly become another franchise as has so many things so that when we, the fans, see something pertaining to what we originally remember, are so disappointed.

Summation?: My game won't run anymore! :(

Keep trying. I have a similar setup (I'm using Win XP Pro, Radeon 32 DDR, Athlon XP 1800+), and Alliance is running.
Never, Ever had a problem while running any of them with a radeon

Never, Ever had a problem while running any of them with a radeon

Did have a problem with Alliance while using a Voodoo3 3000 in the 3dhardware (would only run in software mode, because it couldn't detect the Voodoo3 right.), but never had a problem once I switched to the Radeon.

Never had any problems with the joystick, etc. Never really heard of anyone else having them either. They just use the windows ones. Are you using some really weird devices?

The 2.02 update fixed all the problems I'd ever heard.
The best star wars games I have played were JediKnight and some title for N64 was a FPS and I personally thought it rocked :)
My favorate Lucas game was X-wing vs Tie Fighter after the expansion came out.
That game was so deep, you could control every aspect of your craft. It was awesome. Plus the missions could sometimes be epic.
I wish they would release a new game like that with DX7 or 8 graphics. That would be awesome
mulciber said:
My favorate Lucas game was X-wing vs Tie Fighter after the expansion came out.
That game was so deep, you could control every aspect of your craft. It was awesome. Plus the missions could sometimes be epic.
I wish they would release a new game like that with DX7 or 8 graphics. That would be awesome

I agree, THE nEw spacE figHTeR GamES tHEY HaVE... LIKe sTarFiGHTeR, ArE WAY TO SIMPLE. they are like point and click games practiaclly. they need to make a nother space SIMLULATION game like alliance, or
x vs t where you adjust shields, and s-foils, and engergy levels for lasers and shields, etc.

and some title for N64 was a FPS and I personally thought it rocked

you are talking about Shadows of the Empire and yeah it was pretty good, but that first level flying the speeder on Hoth was golden goodness.
Yoey said:

I agree, THE nEw spacE figHTeR GamES tHEY HaVE... LIKe sTarFiGHTeR, ArE WAY TO SIMPLE. they are like point and click games practiaclly. they need to make a nother space SIMLULATION game like alliance, or
x vs t where you adjust shields, and s-foils, and engergy levels for lasers and shields, etc.

I completely agree with you. every space simulation game they put out since Alliance are either just a reflexes test or otherwise too simple. I simply can't understand why they didn't make another game like it. They were some of the most bestselling games of their time. It's not like they can't get a Star Wars license. :D :p

If they want to make millions, all they have to do is get rid of the projects like Force Commander, etc and just do a rework of something like Alliance. Maybe they could set it in the prequel years.
Re: Never, Ever had a problem while running any of them with a radeon

Re: Never, Ever had a problem while running any of them with a radeon

BillGtheIV said:

Never had any problems with the joystick, etc. Never really heard of anyone else having them either. They just use the windows ones. Are you using some really weird devices?

The 2.02 update fixed all the problems I'd ever heard.

{{{{Sobered up :)} I had Alliance working on my system when I first got it up and running months ago, but not without some fiddling. My devices are as listed.

Oh, I just NOW remembered what I had to do...I think,,

I have the forcefeedback wheel as well. Whenever I wanted to use it, I had to uninstall my joystick drivers. But it seems like to use my joystick with Alliance, I had to uninstall the drivers AND disconnect the wheel, too I think...Way too much trouble just for one game. Shame too. I only played it through one time (the Death Star was a blast).

I may break down and do like above...someday.

"I don't know what a lot of you are talking about, there are a lot of amazing starwars games...

Dark Forces, Jedi Knight + adddons, All of the fighter simulations (except X-wing Vs Tie-fighter), Pod Racer (my favourite game of ALL TIME)

Those are all true, but they are OLDer games. But, like someone said, Jedi 2 is supposed to be out soon, and everybody has been keeping an eye on that one.
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