Lost $17K worth of photo gear! Need t start over, what should I get?


New member

Haven't posted in ages but I remember loadsa photo geeks here so hello!

A while ago someone broke into my flat and stole everything. :( It was a 5dMk II with loads of L glass and my new Mac. (Insurance assholes found a way around covering it too).

Anyway I've been looking at new stuff. And maybe you peeps have opinion.

First I just thought I would get the 5D Mk III but now I'm not so sure. Sony just released the A7R and it looks very interesting. I don't really like the form factor and the AF is slower but apparently its supposed to produce much better images. Cheaper too. However... not many lenses (yet) available.

I've also been looking at the Fujifilm x100s, looks amazing and it's supposedly a great camera. Fixed lens though.

If I was richer I would probably buy the 5d mkiii AND the x100s. But seems like the Sony A7R is a cheaper way of getting great photos and portability at the same time.

How are you not fighting with your insurance right now? I would not want to replace loads of L glass with a Sony A7R. Would't be the same (just guessing).
I've fought ... and they do have a point. It covered me and a partner living together but I broke up with my ex GF and since have been living with a flat mate. He's obvs not my partner so it doesn't cover (as if he stole it).

I know... but replacing everything 1 for 1 would take out a huge chunk of my savings. I don't really want to think about all that I lost hehe. I didn't use most of the glass that much actually, 95% was shot with a 50mm prime or 24-105 zoom.
Holy crap, i lost only 1k (1 lens, 1 body) and was out of my mind, could never really recover from that and stopped shooting alltogether, i can't imagine what losing 17k must feel, that's almost double what i make in a year :lol:
The concern I would have with Sony is their lack of lens options. They don't seem to have as many variations as Canon or Nikon.
I've fought ... and they do have a point. It covered me and a partner living together but I broke up with my ex GF and since have been living with a flat mate. He's obvs not my partner so it doesn't cover (as if he stole it).

I know... but replacing everything 1 for 1 would take out a huge chunk of my savings. I don't really want to think about all that I lost hehe. I didn't use most of the glass that much actually, 95% was shot with a 50mm prime or 24-105 zoom.
Why not get the best camera body you can get + the best version of those two lenses. Way cheaper than what you had, and quite a nice combination.
If i started over with photography and needed gear, it wouldn't be a DSLR.

Mirrorless is the future.

Sony A7 is a nice camera, but they failed at not having lenses ready for launch, but I suppose you can use adapters.

I'm firmly in the Fuji camp with my X100S (the best camera I've ever used) as it feels like an actual camera and not a machine (like my trust and superb D800). I also have the X-E2 with the kit, and the 14mm.
If i started over with photography and needed gear, it wouldn't be a DSLR.

Mirrorless is the future.

Sony A7 is a nice camera, but they failed at not having lenses ready for launch, but I suppose you can use adapters.

I'm firmly in the Fuji camp with my X100S (the best camera I've ever used) as it feels like an actual camera and not a machine (like my trust and superb D800). I also have the X-E2 with the kit, and the 14mm.
The reason I am not completely on board with mirrorless cameras is that lenses with large apertures are always going to be huge just due to physics. A smaller camera body won't change that. For people really looking to get the best of the best lenses, I just don't think a compact solution is going to exist for this reason.
The reason I am not completely on board with mirrorless cameras is that lenses with large apertures are always going to be huge just due to physics. A smaller camera body won't change that. For people really looking to get the best of the best lenses, I just don't think a compact solution is going to exist for this reason.

This, mirrorless never really caught my eyes since i love big aperture lenses, 50mm 1.4 was my choice of lens before my gear was stolen, it dwarfed my XTi's body, in a tiny mirrorless it's just ridiculous
I never looked seriously at mirrorless either. But I'm not so sure now. As sensors get better and more sensitive one of the main reasons for big aperture is becoming less of an issue.

My 50mm was 1.2 and I loved it, but I tended to stop it down quite often if it wasn't dark.

I shoot mostly at large apertures but with FF sensors making into mirrorless shallow DOF is getting more accessible too.

I'm quite on the fence... I loved my 5D and for a long time I took it everywhere. But the last year or so I used it less and less because it is bulky.

That's a big reason why I'm looking at other things. And why I'm considering the x100s as a secondary.

Raz you liking the x-e2? And how is the lens situation for that?
first thing invest in a big heavy gun safe and bolt it down, I keep my camera equipment in it too
a good 1000lbs safe is hard to open and or carry off
have you tried checking local pawn shops or the like? 17k of gear doesn't seem like it would be just a few things. Also shouldn't in theory the insurance company have to prove the theft was an 'inside' job rather than just tell you to bugger off cause you have a flatmate? Has law enforcement been involved? In the US 17k is generally an investagatable amount.
Damn dood... that totally blows. :(
As for what system to get into, ugh, there are so many good options these days its mind blowing. I guess one of my biggest issues to watch out for is on the lighting side of things, what system will cater to your needs most (ttl, ittl, manual controls...etc) and the availability of lenses. FF mirrorless does seem to be headed in the right direction.
I never looked seriously at mirrorless either. But I'm not so sure now. As sensors get better and more sensitive one of the main reasons for big aperture is becoming less of an issue.

My 50mm was 1.2 and I loved it, but I tended to stop it down quite often if it wasn't dark.

I shoot mostly at large apertures but with FF sensors making into mirrorless shallow DOF is getting more accessible too.

I'm quite on the fence... I loved my 5D and for a long time I took it everywhere. But the last year or so I used it less and less because it is bulky.

That's a big reason why I'm looking at other things. And why I'm considering the x100s as a secondary.

Raz you liking the x-e2? And how is the lens situation for that?

I love the X-E2. At first, I thought I wasn't going to like EVF, but goddamn, this is good. I love having the data I need to shoot right there as well. I literally don't have to take my eye out of the viewfinder. It's so damn light as well. My photography isn't all that great so I'm getting getting the same images I did on my D800, clean and sharp. The Fuji files, however, have a more film like quality to them.

You can't go wrong with any Fuji lens (well, probably not the 18mm). The kit lens is no ordinary kit lens. It's top quality. The 14mm wide angle is great and just as beautiful pics as Nikon costing 2-3x as much.

I have the 60mm f/2.4 as well, but I may send it back, not because it's of quality, but because the 56 f/1.2 is coming, announcement next Monday according to the rumors. I'm just waiting on the price (it's an f/1.2 after all) before making a decision on keeping the 60mm which I got during black Friday for $400.

I think Fuji really nailed it on the lenses. They are small, but not Leica small due to AF and all, but not Nikon/Canon big. They fit great on the X-E2 (haven't tried any telephotos though). If I had any complaints on the lenses, I think it would be the consistent in terms of their physical styling, but that's cosmetic.

It'll be interesting to see what Canon/Nikon do this year. Canon is still behind the curve on sensor tech, but it seems they are focused on video. Nikon is just a mess these days. The Df is a joke, their mirror less offering is a joke, they still ignore making lenses for the DX system, and of course, their FX lenses are ridiculously overpriced. Either case, they'll still be riding the DSLR train for years to come. For my style of photography, the Fuji gets the job done just as well and sometimes better and much, much lighter and cheaper. If I lost $17k worth of gear, I don't know what I would do but go to the crazy people's asylum.

Of course, if you shoot birds or sports or any type of action, the Fuji X is not for you.
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Dude that sucks

I was freaking a little on christmas day when I left my Camera bag backpack at my brothers house ( worth about 10K)
And I sped back to get it as there was still questionable family members and people i dont know there..

If you were happy with your MKII, why not go pick up a used one, and a few used lenses?