List of dev tools/info needed for ati.


New member
Here's a list of things off the top of my head that I feel would really help get people begin developing with ati hardware.

1) weekly demo of a opengl and a directx trick - src code. From the community with a prize every once in a while. It doesn't have to be h/w schwag. A $10.00 t-shirt will do. People want to be helpers.

2) Write a book on shaders and extensions. There's one coming out explaining Cg. A few are available on your site, but they're demo's without a label saying what extensions are being used.

3) every extension that is offered in ogl needs a demo on how to use it. Don't make us hunt and peck for scraps of code.

4) Create an SDK, single download bonanza of all the tools you think you need to dev for ati.

5) Give us rendering plugings for all the major rendering tools.

6) Free Textures and models.

7) Rip off any other ideas from nvidia's site. You're taking knowledge not trade secrets so it's alright. (i don't mean code of course, just web site layout and general topics)

8) The community will help you and you don't have to give prizes to do it. I bet if you offered http space, that would be enough to get a sizeable dev site going.

9) case and point, noobies use ogl to dev on because the user base is there. Some of course use dx, but for beginners an important thing is how much info is out there. Almost nothing for dx. If you extrapolate this to ati and nvidia. People will consider nvidia slightly easier to dev for h/w as their dev site is extensive.

Elminate the struggle and you'll gain the support.

10) get a co-op student to do this for ya. It'll cost 10$ over a summer but think of the returns.

I agree with some points and disagree with others. I personally don't find nvidia's stuff all that interesting, except they do have a sweet set of sdks for their stuff (nforce, geforce4, cg, etc). ATI just released their new RadeonSDK. my only concern with it is that it kinda leaves the older cards in the dust. It's very 9700/9500 centric (not a prob for me, but some of my buddies only have r100s, sis315s, and rage128s), not sure if the nvidia sdks are very geforce4 centric, as I don't have a geforce, nor any incentive to try the sdk out.

I guess a book from ATi would be useful, but I spend over $300 on books from authors as LaMothe and Engel among others (that's a lot of money for a cash strapped college student). I'd much rather they put all the stuff online instead of in a book.

I'm not sure what you meant with your GL point. Most of the people I talked to making programs exclusively for Windows prefer Dx over OGL since in Dx everything is pretty much unified (D3d, DS[3d], DInput, etc) while with OGL you'd have to use OAL among other libraries. (of course I'm all about OGL/ OAL/EAX/DICE, but I'm not them) Besides, a lot of 9700/9500 features will probably need to wait for OpenGL 2.0 to be finalized before they can be exposed. I'd rather wait for ARB/EXT extensions than using proprietary ATI (or NV for that matter) extensions.
Re: List of dev tools/info needed for ati.

1) Would be cool but how would this get people to develop. I think they would be giving the prizes to Humus and NitroGL every week.

2) ATI's demos use DirectX. They do have SDK samples for OpenGL. Check - ATI wrote 3/4's of the book.

3) ATI tells me an OpenGL SDK is coming soon. This should be useful.

4) Have a look at and and try DirectX. It is not that difficult.

5) They definitely need rendering plugins but I see this as been effect specific. Thoughts?

6) Aren't there enough free textures and models available on the net. Why the heck do you need ATI to provide this?

7) Read There is lots of information there now. What more are you looking for? Nvidia is Cg only now and has definitely lost its luster.

8) In point 1 you said ATI did have to give prizes, just not expensive ones.

9) Why not use DirectX? It is now better and more current from a technology standpoint than OpenGL with lots of information available for free just have a look. Either way ATI has a OpenGL SDK.

10) ?? coop ?? I thought you were looking for expert assistance. If a coop can figure it out why can't you? Hopefully ATI's OpenGL SDK will help with your shader questions, along with the current samples and documents ATI has already provided on their web site.