Just starting on 3D


New member
I've been a 2D digital artist for quite some time (think the 1990's, college, and living in an elevator shaft in a downtown art gallery), and after 3 years of lull in life boredom I have begun again to aquire the need/desire/passion of expressing myself in an artistic capacity.

Question 1: What set you off intellectually on the direction of 3D art?

Question 2: Who,what did you use as mentors,quides (did you have none) were they vicarious (theory, thesis, and postulates), were they virtual (forums, mailing lists, and web sites), or were they visceral (gut feeling, ruminations, drugs)?

Question 3: What is "your" killer app?

Question 4:If you were 10,000 years old orbiting a newly born brown dwarf lightyears away from Sol and you asked yourself, "What is this artifact here?" as a stream of data from a society much like our own but expressly alien manifests itself. What would you be most likely think to find universally beautiful from this? Dynamic systems, fractals, reverberations and displays of organic tissue (singing, dancing), virtualization of space, or something else?
Ill take a Crack at this :D

Answer to 1: Initlay it was the desire to create visual effects and scenes from movies like Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, Star Wars..etc. When I was younger, I was a huge fan of all of ILM's visual effects they incorporated into movies, and likewise, a avid videogame fan. Had alot of thoughts about how I could make this better in a movie, or game...so put my creativity and desire to use, and took multiple college course, haunted forums, and read constantly up about new technologies and ways of doing things differently.

Answer 2: Guess this is partialy answered in first answer. I went to college for Computer Aided Drafting and Design, aswell as Architectural Engineering. I went to alot of forums to ask questions, and have people help me on problems I had. Aswell as my College Professors and class mates were extremely helpful, and still to this day, ..some of my best friends that i keep in contact with. Excelent guides for specific subjects, or things in general..there is almost always a book or 2 on it.

Answer 3: Combination of "AutoCAD 2002" with "3D Studio Max 4.2" running in dual-head mode. Ability for perfect accuracy, and relative speed and eas of use with AutoCAD, and the atmosphere, textures, and nurbs and Spline modeling abilities of MAX. There the only 2 apps i know of, that have the ability to work flawlessly with each other on Multi-Desktop. Meaning when I edit a 3DS file in autoCAD, the changes are directly applied to MAX. Very hard, and difficult to setup tho. And with the Radeon 8500, forced to run AutoCAD 2002 in Software..because lack of dual OpenGL accel support.

Answer 4: I have no clue what you just said :D But I always desired to see and live in a futuristic war, and Imperial like environment, where more is emphasised on machines, and technology, above the rest. Sort of like a Deus Ex, Matrix, Post acpocalpytic Terminator type world. Like something from Dark City aswell......Dont ask...lol....just something I like sort of. :evil:
Thank you, the last question is to guage the value of the rest. I have always lived in the future be it 5 minutes or 5 million years. A certain disdain for those who merely spectate in the present has caused me to distrust most traditional arts so I've ended up here.