Just Cause 5

I don't know. I enjoyed JC2, JC3 and JC4. That said JC4 has absolutely terrible Anti-Aliasing, was super buggy at the start, remains a little buggy to this day and the controls for the interface where absolutely terrible for PC (extreme consolitis)
Just Cause stopped being good-ish as soon as they switched to a different developer.
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I don't know. I enjoyed JC2, JC3 and JC4. That said JC4 has absolutely terrible Anti-Alasing, was super buggy as the start, remains a little buggy to day and the controls for the interface where absolutely terrible for PC (extreme consolitis)

Terrible AA and some absolutely awful post processing effects that couldn't be turned off that made the game super fugly.
Terrible AA and some absolutely awful post processing effects that couldn't be turned off that made the game super fugly.

It's true. I tried to fire it up last night and well... was quickly reminded why I uninstalled it, but kept JC3 installed :(
I could never get JC4 to save progress either on Gamepass or Epic. Every time I came back it had reset to the beginning.
Tried various fixes with no joy.
Was it #3 or #4 that forced you to do a bunch of stupid challenges in order to unlock new stuff?
4 was the first one i flat out did not enjoy. Even the first game was more fun, and it was mindless repetition without all the cool stuff 2 and 3 had.

I'd love to see the game take on some mercenaries traits. Merc 2 had some great environment destruction.
I did the bare min of those to get the equipment I wanted in JC4 and then never touched them again. Mostly because they just where not fun imho.

I could go for a remaster of JC2, or an overhaul of JC1, at this point. Been long enough imho.