Is it now time for windows 2000 ? or stay with ME?


New member
Hi all,
Should i now go to Windows 2000 ? cuz i have always ran Win ME, cuz of its speed, have the drivers matured enough on win 2000 yet ?, and is the DVD play back any good ?, thats what i want most DVD playback, and then games, cuz win ME is so slow now (not formatted for a week!!! lol) anyways feed back anyone, thanx.
I'm sorry, I would probably recommend win2k over xp any day. I've seen what problems my friend has gone through with it (beta that is). I guess if you do alot of system config changes then get 2k and stay away from XP, unless you don't mind contact M$ every few days to get a new authorization number.

get a beta of xp if you want to try it out. its worth it. you can install and dual boot it with ME, so if you dont like it, can it and stick with ME. what do you have to lose?

i havent used anything else since installing 2410.
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Go for w2k !

Go for w2k !

If you've got more than 128MB RAM and can get your hands on a cheap copy of w2k ;) I'd say you should go for it !
if you need spdif out though, it doesn't work in windows 2000, and M$ doesn't plan on fixing it either :( it doesn't work in windows XP either... this sucks! i have to use 9x to watch dvd's now :mad:
Xp is only good when the cracked version comes out. I wont put up with all that BS MS is putting into it. Call them just to re-install ,like hell I will. It was bad enough putting up with WON in HL, but for an operating system ????
lots of losses coming MS' way, good to see.



Thanx for the feedback guys, still a couple of questions, i dont us spdif or what ever its called, but is the quality of the dvd's as good as ME ? or not ?, and do u get playable frame rates out of it with y2k ?
Win2k all the way. Dvd's will run just as well as they did in ME. I'm running win2k on my mainbox with a tnt2 so I dunno how well the radeon performs in games (im sure fine). Win9x is good for gaming but thats it.
sorry i'm afraid you aready screwed up
i find Windows ME dont even make a good drink coster
you should have sticked with Win 98 SE
2000 you probley be a improvement on your part


9x is not a real OS, it's a crappy pre-alpha bloatware made by some "l337" college student in his garage while stoned and drunk.
Sorry to sound like the politically correct twat on this forum, but BunK, comments like that arn't really very nice! :(

:I took care of it:

M$'s authorisation is only annoying.

You can always get a crack anyhow - even if you are an official tester.
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hrmm, what the "H" "E" double hockey sticks did i say that was so bad? i cant even remember what i said... im sure it wasnt bad enough to be removed, if so then it must have been a drunken rant or something. but seriously all i remember saying is that bill gates sucks and that windows XP is retarded. in fact i think that was one of my tamer posts... but please i cant remember what i said so could someone email me it or something.
BunK said:
hrmm, what the "H" "E" double hockey sticks did i say that was so bad? i cant even remember what i said... im sure it wasnt bad enough to be removed, if so then it must have been a drunken rant or something. but seriously all i remember saying is that bill gates sucks and that windows XP is retarded. in fact i think that was one of my tamer posts... but please i cant remember what i said so could someone email me it or something.

It was pretty bad..enough to raise concern from several other i have deleted that post entirely...