Insane and Turtle Beach Santa Cruz


New member
After a day of frustration I just figured out that I have to disable Directsound acceleration if I want this game to work. (I guess it helps when you actually look at the error message -- it was an error with a Santa Cruz driver)
Also, w-buffer support has to be disabled if you want to see the sky rendered properly (already read that here, just reiterating it).
This is actually a really fun game. Has anyone else with a Santa Cruz experienced this?
santa cruz drivers suck,they are terrible!!!!!!! many people are having big problems and glitches going on. I have the SQ-2500 vortex-2 quad soundcard from Aureal. I know they are out of business.But the sound cards are available on the web and have flawless drivers. plus this soundcard is the best bar none.For $35.00 you cant go wrong on this card IMHO. paun----------
Though I like the turtle beach, I'm having some probs with its drivers causing stuttering. I don't want to go back to my SB live xgamer, but its causing some weird things in Everquest, Tribes2, yet it works like a charm in Black&White, UT, Quake3...This sucks, wonder what I should do now.
Turtle Beach says Santa Cruz doesn't support Direct X 8. Says stable with Direct X 7. I have Direct X 8 , if I use the EQ in the control panel I loose my left channel? set the profile to default no problem.