I want to begin coding with OpenGL


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What books/websites should I start with for a beginner wanting to code using OpenGL? And what C/C++ prerequisites do I need before I can start?
Humus, or any coder:

I am interested in learning 3D coding. But, I am an ABSOLUTE NEWBIE.

Funny thing is, back in my days of the commodore 64, I wrote many apps in both BASIC, and actual assembly language.

I picked up M$ Visual Studio 6.0 Standard, and a few books, but for some odd reason, I find trying to learn C++ more complicated than learning the darn native instruction set of a processor! C++ looks VERY complicated to me...Kind of odd that assembly language actually makes more sense to me than C+++...

Any tips? Also, while on the subject...What EXACTLY is the differences between say M$ C++ Standard, and C++ Professional Editions? Can you create distributable proggies with both, or do you have to have the expensive version of the software?

Thanks for any tips...

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Any good places to learn basic C++? I personally would love to get into doing OpenGL stuff but I don't know any C++ :\. So any good sites out there for a programing newbie to learn C++?

will this work in MSVS .net?? i've just downloaded it, 7CDS worth..
or is it best to do it in MSVS 6.0 which i already have?
FirebirdTN said:
What EXACTLY is the differences between say M$ C++ Standard, and C++ Professional Editions? Can you create distributable proggies with both, or do you have to have the expensive version of the software?

Thanks for any tips...


The standard edition is stripped down a little, works good enough for most stuff, no optimizations available when compiling though. But you can certainly create distributable apps with it.
9-Bar said:

will this work in MSVS .net?? i've just downloaded it, 7CDS worth..
or is it best to do it in MSVS 6.0 which i already have?

It should work with .NET, haven't tested compiling this tutorial with .NET yet, but it should work. Most of my other code worked with no or minimal changes.
To TheDarkHorizon, FirebirdTN, and Trunks0. You should now all the basics of C/C++, Classes, Strucs, Pointers, Functions, Overloading, templating. What will become real importaint is MATH. For Websites on OpenGL www.opengl.org has links to TONS of Cool Stuff. and also there is http://nehe.gamedev.net which Has some of the best tutorials I have come across, For books on C/C++ I would go with C++ primer or C++ primer plus for starters(thier preaty good) then There is the Stroustrup book, which I only recomend as a starter book if you have a good understanding of how coding works as it can get complex in his books(If you Know about C++ you know why)... Id give links to websites but there is too many and it's all amatter of prefrance.

To 9-bar if your just going to be coding in C++ and not for the .NET platform you gain very little in using MSVS.NET... If you do plan on writting for the .NET platform I would recomend migrating to C# as the only way I've seen to use C++ for the .NET platform is threw managed C++, which I have no experiance in yet, but from what I here it's like pulling teeth on a tiger. Also If you do decide to write for the .Net platform understand that anything that you write WILL NOT RUN on any computer that does not have the .NET Framwork installed on it(it is a 20Mb file that is freely distributable though) which is pretty much all computers.
i'm going to carry on with C++ i think, i can get more help at the moment with that until my mate knows C#....

i started using borland C++, and then onto visual c++ there are slight differences in code, so i stayed with visual C++ instead...
1. Know C, C++ (I can tell you from experience that jumping in on the deep end of 3d coding is tough--tried it, now I'm back to learning the basics, so as not to miss all the tricks and such--if you can, take a class, where you can interact with people on your level on a daily basis, or get to know some professionals--just my opinion. Tutorials can only take you so far, if you want to travel off the beaten path a little you gotta have access to the pro's (there are some 'round here, but few will sit down with you and your code for a long debug session like a good instructor will) You'll get a lot more in depth info from a class as well. Coding can be BOOOORIIIING, so be prepared for a lot of dry math and long hours at the keyboard, especially if you want to create something new. I'm just starting as well, but I guess before I exit Uni I'll have to actually write a compiler, so I think I'll be of a sufficient proficiency at that point to do some cool stuff.)

2. Know calculus (helps with coordinate systems, matrix manipulation, rates, etc. There are many who jump in and can understand the basics of things like the world matrix and what it does in a general sense, but it's tough to actually understand the "big picture" of why things like that work the way they do without practicing the basic parts a little first---"Why is does that sine show up in there?").

3. Know physics (helps with collision detection, acceleration, defining gravity, etc.)

4. Get these books, you'll refer to them constantly: http://www.opengl.org/developers/documentation/books.html#refman

(also available at Barnes and Noble--They're about 50 bones, but they're worth every penny)
calculus isn't as important as linear algebra.
Linear algebra is the most important thing to doing opengl.
Hopefully you can think about three dimensions in an abstract
way, otherwise, well......

I'd say start slow. Don't jump in deep, thinking you are going to be
using vertex programs and all the bumpmapping/other obtuse extensions.

I found opengl easier than directx.
Keep at it. Good luck.