I think I an done with AMD


Well-known member
Here is my history with ATI/AMD

I had all these Radeon cards over the years, and I always had various problems with all kinds of games for each of these videos, card. Usually ATI/AMD would eventually fix the issues, but it would take 1 year or more for ATI/AMD to eventually fix them.

These are the Radeon cards I had over the years:

The first Radeon

Radeon 9700 Pro

Radeon 7850

RX 5700 XT

by contrast, I had Nvidia cards between all of those Radeon cards, and never ever had any issues with any game due to driver issues.

AMD seems to make good hardware, but their drivers freak'n suck beyond belief after all these years. Why?

I am stuck with with AMD card for the next 3 years or so, but after this, I am done with AMD GPUs.
Here is my history with ATI/AMD

I had all these Radeon cards over the years, and I always had various problems with all kinds of games for each of these videos, card. Usually ATI/AMD would eventually fix the issues, but it would take 1 year or more for ATI/AMD to eventually fix them.

These are the Radeon cards I had over the years:

The first Radeon

Radeon 9700 Pro

Radeon 7850

RX 5700 XT

by contrast, I had Nvidia cards between all of those Radeon cards, and never ever had any issues with any game due to driver issues.

AMD seems to make good hardware, but their drivers freak'n suck beyond belief after all these years. Why?

I am stuck with with AMD card for the next 3 years or so, but after this, I am done with AMD GPUs.

Here is my history with ATI/AMD

I had all these Radeon cards over the years, and I always had various problems with all kinds of games for each of these videos, card. Usually ATI/AMD would eventually fix the issues, but it would take 1 year or more for ATI/AMD to eventually fix them.

These are the Radeon cards I had over the years:

The first Radeon

Radeon 9700 Pro

Radeon 7850

RX 5700 XT

by contrast, I had Nvidia cards between all of those Radeon cards, and never ever had any issues with any game due to driver issues.

AMD seems to make good hardware, but their drivers freak'n suck beyond belief after all these years. Why?

I am stuck with with AMD card for the next 3 years or so, but after this, I am done with AMD GPUs.

Where's your APUs? I got four... two low tier and two maxed out the system tier... and yeah the driver support kinda sucks but it's ATI... erm AMD and Nvidia is way better but these days technology kinda sucks anyways.

It's all disposable CPUs and APUs... AMD really screwed up with not doing die shrinks to their CPUs and APUs to max them out and lost market share to Intel and only the consoles are keeping them alive pretty much.
Here is my history with ATI/AMD

I had all these Radeon cards over the years, and I always had various problems with all kinds of games for each of these videos, card. Usually ATI/AMD would eventually fix the issues, but it would take 1 year or more for ATI/AMD to eventually fix them.

These are the Radeon cards I had over the years:

The first Radeon

Radeon 9700 Pro

Radeon 7850

RX 5700 XT

by contrast, I had Nvidia cards between all of those Radeon cards, and never ever had any issues with any game due to driver issues.

AMD seems to make good hardware, but their drivers freak'n suck beyond belief after all these years. Why?

I am stuck with with AMD card for the next 3 years or so, but after this, I am done with AMD GPUs.

I've had both at the same time back to the gtx 680 and had the same problems from both and about the same frequency just different games

even my RTX 2080 ti has had a few driver problems in games

but while your "stuck with with AMD card for the next 3 years " better save up for that 1500 buck NV tax for the RTX 4080 ti :hmm:
Why would someone who's buying low to mid-range video-cards be saving up for a $1500 card?
Haven’t had an AMD card for a long while. Couldn’t be happier.
AMD needs to exist so we can get cheaper nvidia cards.
Why would someone who's buying low to mid-range video-cards be saving up for a $1500 card?

the Radeon 9700 Pro was not nor is the RX 5700 XT being AMD's top current card

and he did not list what NV cards he has bought

and what card low mid or high end is meaningless as to drivers

for that matter most crap blamed on both NV & AMD drivers is crap new games sold and released basically still in beta
and the both have the same problems in games made and backed for the other

so the only real reason to go with NVidia now or in the near future is to get a top or high end card as AMD does not have one close to a 2080 ti and most likely will not with the 3080 ti

maybe by the 4080 ti and MCM
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for that matter most crap blamed on both NV & AMD drivers is crap new games sold and released basically still in beta
and the both have the same problems in games made and backed for the other

This right here. In many cases, it's the game developers piss poor coding. But instead of the game developers fixing their code to properly support each Video card, it's left up to AMD and Nvidia to do it via drivers. That's one reason why driver packages keep getting larger and larger. Yes some of it is due to added features/gui/etc. But the majority of the package size increase is added code to correct the game developers crap. Not to mention adding "fixes" for microsoft's incompetence with windows. AMD Driver package size has increased 150MB in two years, and is now 481MB in size. (January 2018, it was 336MB).
Grass is not any greenier. They both have driver issues crop up just as often.
Honestly I basically only used ATi/AMD up until the Geforce 1000 series, and I never had any driver problems for the most part. Granted I was rarely playing games until a year or so+ after release, so maybe that was enough time to fix them. It was only when I got into VR that I had problems with poor performance and lack of optimization, which I mostly blame on Epic and UE4, and small dev teams that don't have the time or ability to optimize for cards with 20% marketshare.

I do feel like in the last year or so, since I got a Vega 64, that the AMD drivers have had some annoying issues. But that's not so much in games, but rather things like the card getting stuck running at max frequency when using multiple monitors.

It does sound like a lot of people are having problems with the 5700 series drivers, especially the 2020 version. So you're apparently not the only one with problems.
I moved away from AMD gpus years ago because of driver issues. I've rarely had issues with nvidia drivers. They just work for me. Not nearly as much bloat as AMD drivers either (back in the early Catalyst days).
I am stuck with with AMD card for the next 3 years or so, but after this, I am done with AMD GPUs.

A lot can change in 3 years. Will check back in 2023 for your "Bought a Radeon 21890 XtXTxt!" thread :bleh:

I've had about equal parts pain with both camps, but the 1070 I have now and the R9 it replaced > few to no issues.

It needs to be noted though, I've only played a few games with any frequency in all that time. More gaming would probably show more issues....
the Radeon 9700 Pro was not nor is the RX 5700 XT being AMD's top current card

and he did not list what NV cards he has bought

and what card low mid or high end is meaningless as to drivers

for that matter most crap blamed on both NV & AMD drivers is crap new games sold and released basically still in beta
and the both have the same problems in games made and backed for the other

so the only real reason to go with NVidia now or in the near future is to get a top or high end card as AMD does not have one close to a 2080 ti and most likely will not with the 3080 ti

maybe by the 4080 ti and MCM

AMDs top current card performs and is priced as a mid-range card. What are you arguing again??? My point was that the price of the 4080TI doesn't matter to a guy that doesn't even look at cards in that performance segment, so why are you even bringing that up?

The 9700pro was over a decade ago..
Haven’t had an AMD card for a long while. Couldn’t be happier.
AMD needs to exist so we can get cheaper nvidia cards.

Don't make me laugh. You won't pay $1,100 for the 2080Ti and you bitch about the price all the time :lol: Unfortunately cheaper Nvidia cards don't exist at the enthusiast level because Nvidia are basically acting as a monopoly and charging what they want.

That's fine if you're prepared to get pillaged for the performance/price ratio but in your case I think you need to STFU or buy a 2080Ti. Or wait even longer and pay more for a 3080Ti because again AMD will have nothing to compete against it.
Hey Eisberg I've had a Fury Pro, Vega 64 & now an AIB 5700XT and I've called out the AMD driver team for lack of supporting the features in the cards but overall the drivers have not been that bad for me. I honestly can't remember the last game issue I had with the drivers TBH.

Looking around the forums the NV drivers are not that brilliant either and I believe there is a zero day vulnerability in NV drivers & experience that they've recently issued an urgent patch for. So the grass isn't greener on the other side.

Hey Eisberg I've had a Fury Pro, Vega 64 & now an AIB 5700XT and I've called out the AMD driver team for lack of supporting the features in the cards but overall the drivers have not been that bad for me. I honestly can't remember the last game issue I had with the drivers TBH.

Looking around the forums the NV drivers are not that brilliant either and I believe there is a zero day vulnerability in NV drivers & experience that they've recently issued an urgent patch for. So the grass isn't greener on the other side.

There have been a ton of security vulnerabilities in Nvidia drivers this year I've noticed. Par for the course it seems for the popular team. Given current rumors about Intel at least Intel is competing with Nvidia in one department :D

To bad that means the hax and jax bangbus for the rest of us :runaway:
the best is when people blame game crashes or blue screens on video drivers when it is actually an unstable OC (especially on memory)

I haven't had a driver crash from AMD in ages.
Aquanox Deep Descent, every single AMD 5700 card has not been able to play the game at all. The developers have been testing it, trying to find where the problem is, and they determined driver issue. They got with AMD about it and AMD determined it was a driver issue that they'll fix some time in the future.

Bard's Tale IV. Game was able to work great with 19.12.1 drivers, upgrade to 19.12.2 drivers and the game no longer works at all, just crashes right back to desktop. Try 19.12.3, same problem. Had to go back to 19.12.1 to play the game again, but I am right back to having the issues that were fixed in the 19.12.2 drivers, like loss of display at random times and have to press the reboot button on my PC to fix it.

I get random crashes in random games as well, crashes I never got while I had my GTX 1070 video card playing the same games.

by the way, I don't overclock my hardware at all.
the Radeon 9700 Pro was not nor is the RX 5700 XT being AMD's top current card

and he did not list what NV cards he has bought

and what card low mid or high end is meaningless as to drivers

for that matter most crap blamed on both NV & AMD drivers is crap new games sold and released basically still in beta
and the both have the same problems in games made and backed for the other

so the only real reason to go with NVidia now or in the near future is to get a top or high end card as AMD does not have one close to a 2080 ti and most likely will not with the 3080 ti

maybe by the 4080 ti and MCM

I only ever spend in the $400 range for new video cards, even for Nvidia, and about every 3 years ish.

The reason to go back to Nvidia in the future is for better driver support, better stable drivers, to not have problems like I do every single time I decide to come back to ATI/AMD.
Took me a minute to remember the last AMD card I owned - Radeon R9 290 Pro. Was stable for me IIRC, just power hungry. If I didnt have a GSYNC display and AMD competed on the high end - I would consider them again.