I hope I'm still alive to see this!

Great article! Thanks for posting it. The factoids of Bell's Theorem and the Aspect experiment have always fascinated me. The author does quite a good job in describing teleportation without falling off of the rail with all the usual philosophical dribble. Very focussed and to the point.
Your welcome. Its a little over my head but I enjoyed the article. A computer that will evolve.
I hope ati doesn't build them. They would be the fastest Fargin computers on the planet with more features than a Vegas Showgirl but no one including ATI would know how to make them work! :D


But I guess according to that article the "knowing" of something breaks it. Hmm maybe that is the approach the Driver team is taking. Like the cat and the poisoned food in a box. Untill we open it up THe cat is in an indeterminate state It may be live it may be dead. Our videocards may be the fastest thing since Bill Clintons zipper but until we get a driver.... Nevermind
