How do I tell FPS in CS or RTCW?


New member
How can I tell what my FPS is in both of these games. Thanks!
I tried going into the console in CS, and when I did I typed FPS1 and hit enter, and it did nothing
hey, timers, you have very interesting set up there.
LCD Monitor is not good for first person shooter, I heard. something has to do with response time of pixels. It's too expensive. Unless space is premium in your desk.

Slot A....interesting...700 Mhz CPU too slow for Radeon 8500? Your video card is being wasted?

640 MB SDRAM, how many module? How did you end up getting all this?

(3) Hardrives, 73 GB Total
Promise Ultra ATA/100 Card,

so this is just IDE controller and not RAID controller? Aren't you using RAID 0 or RAID 0+1 mode since you got 3 hard drives? How did you end up with 3 drives?

very interesting. I thought. Just my rambling....

Hey, try "Checkpoint" timedemo for RTCW and let me know what fps you get.
Duffman, OH YEAH, :).
To answer your questions, yes my CPU is weird and disfigured.
I got the LCD monitor because I had the money at the time, and it looks a lot better, saves a lot of desk space, and I think performs great. 15" true viewable image, compared to a normal 15" with only about 13. I love it. Viewsonics are nice.

When you say SLOT A ATHLON 700 mhz, too slow for radeon? Is that wat you mean? I am considering getting an Athlon XP 1800+ soon with new mobo. So if thats what your saying, then yes, it will be gone soon. Only thing holding me back is all the complains of people with EPOX 8kha+ and Radeon 8500.

I have 3 DIMMS, first I believe I had just 128 mb when I first got it. Then I wanted to upgrade like 1 year ago, so I bought a 256mb off of Ebay for like 100 bucks I believe. SO then I had 2 slots of my 3 full, and 384mb of ram. I had that for a long time, until just recently I opened my pc, and my dad has 2 extra pieces of ram lying around, a 32 and 256, so I put the 256 in and whala 640 mb. Its not the biggest difference, but I do feel it. Yes I know that when I upgrade, all this will be irrelovent, but it will go to my 8 year old bros gaming system, so its fine. It gets the job done for now.
All 3 slots are full now.

When I first bought the CPU, it came with a 13 gb Samsung HD, little while later I bought a 20 gb Maxtor drive 7200 rpm, and filled up all my prim/secondary slave/master slots. I needed a way to add another HD, and bought the Promise card after hearing its a very good and easy way to do so. Its ATA/100, and has given me no problems what so ever. So yes I run 3 PHYSICAL hd's totalling 73gb. I also have 2 cd-roms, 1 being a cd-rw. This is an upgraded system, with weird stuff here and there, but it works flawlessly.

BTW< I dont know what RAID is. My Promise card gets the job done.
Once I upgrade to the new Athlon cpu, I will probly get one 80gb HD, and just use Norton Ghost to copy all 3 of these harddrives over to this 1 big one. :).

I just explained myself. :). Peace

OH BTW, I was getting between 40-75 fps on average playing at 800x600 with OpenGL extensions on, and it plays very smooth and looks damn nice. I may have to get a Crystal Orb or some other cooling for my PC, because about 25-30 minutes I think of straight playing the game, it locks up, and just freezes, then Microsoft gives me some error about the game exe. So Im gonna drop the GPU on the card down, and run 3dmark2001se now. Peace. BTW, What FPS do you get in RTCW?
RAID 0 mode is using two hard drives parallel. so if strip size? is 64KB then, it will divide 128KB file into two 64KB and write it into two drives separately. So writing and also reading time is cut by half. So, pontentially, two identical IDE hard driver in RAID 0 mode is twice faster than a single one, but not always. But I heard loading time for games speeds up considerably, for example. RAID 1 mode is just mirroring. no speed increase. Just safe. so if a file is corrupt in one drive, it'll just use mirror image on the other drive. There is also RAID 0+1, guess it's what it says. RAID 3 and 5 mode requires SCSI drives but that's very expensive, so no need go there. But in RAID 0 mode, if one drive is slower than the other one, the faster one will run at the same speed as slower one, minds you. You know, many high-priced mobo comes with onboard RAID controller. An add-in PCI IDE RAID controller is nothing more than an ordinary IDE controller with software that can do RAID. (like Promise Fast Track series). Hope this gives you an idea for yor next upgrade?

Oh, did you read "Read me" file for RTCW, and did you try using /com_hunkmegs or /com_soundmegs to change the size of memory the game will use? since you got lotta RAM, you can increase from default value. Not sure if it will make any difference though.

FYI, I have 7500 with Duron 850@935 with 256MB PC133. My 7500 is underperforming I think. 60-80% I say. I get about 50fps in "checkpoint" timedemo benchmark for RTCW. During gameplay, fps fluctuates all the time, so i can't say. sometime goes below 20. Strangely, my set up don't respond to lowering resolution, color depth, and detail settings for games like RTCW and MOHAA. So I just play at highest possible setting. Sign of CPU being the bottle neck of the system? But my fps went from 37 to 50 in "checkpoint" timedemo by turninig off all special effects(especially dynamic lighting) except keeping high quality sky. Guess that gives me more frames without losing visual quality. By turning off graphic effects unnecessary for gameplay, i mean.
Cool that RAM thing is awesome. I allocated 300 mb to the game, and 48 for sound. Runs smoother and faster. Thanks.