Help with Opengl+game

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Hi there, I've just discovered ragemans drivers and am WELL impressed. I have two questions. I have a p2 400 with rage pro. Unreal Tourney looks beautiful in opengl and now runs at a good speed with your drivers except when you get shot the screen goes black. Turning off weapon flash in the display settings only stops this happening when you fire your weapon. Can anyone help?? it makes the game unplayable.d3d works but opengl looks sooo much better.
Also swat3 is very jerky making it bad to play. Can you help????
(The rage pro lives on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
currently the problem you are having is a known issue. It is my understanding that a new set of drivers may be coming soon solving your UT problems. As for swat 3 i'm not sure. try lowering your sound quality (if possible) if you want to keep your visual quality. Especially if it supports 3d sound. i find that 3d sound eats up alot of cpu cycles especially on slower processors. Finally, even a mouse can cause a jumpy screen. if your mouse reports slow you will get choppy game play. i recommend a usb mouse, or a logitech gaming mouse that allows you to adjust your mouse speed settings. Trust me it works.