QAM with a TV Wonder 650 Combo PCI-E.
Before the (Vista TV Media Pack 2008), I was TRYING to use CMC to pull in QAM SD & HD channels in Vista. It was a very disappointing experience. Even when taking the Cable feed directly from the wall (it's very own feed with no splitters etc.) I was only able to get (1) HD channel and it had a cartoon effect to it (not watchable), and I was missing a number of SD Digital channels and either most or all of the Digital music channels (depending on the results of the scan...never got the same results twice). Originally I thought that the signal wasn't strong enough, but after I found a copy of the TV Pack on a Bittorrent site and installed it, I found out just how bad CMC's QAM tuning ability really was and how good the ATI TV Wonder 650 tuner could be.
With the Cable RG-6 Spilit first twice, then four times, then five times with one off that last split going into the TV wonder 650; Under Vista I get all the QAM256 HD channels available locally & AFAIK all the QAM64 SD digital channels (I say that b/c I live on the cusp of two different markets so I actually get my local and the local SD's from the next state over (which is pretty cool) but since the cable co's don't publish the data I have to go by what we used to be able to pull in long ago with Analog OTA NTSC antennas...but anyway its all that we get with a regular Philip's HDTV QAM antenna. Plus with Vista MC I pull in two that the TV doesn't...and all the digital music channels.
I bought the cards when they were on sale & at a BF sale, but otherwise I'd be really pissed had I paid full price and had the lack of service/performance that comes with CMC...Even for what I paid, before the TV Pack was leaked out, I was Pissed that ATI taughted QAM support in Vista with CMC, I've said elsewhere it's as close to "a lie" as you can come.
If anyone can answer this i'd appreciate it. I read as far as I can in the specs of BeyondTV 4.9 & Sage TV; it "appears" that the TV Wonder 650 Combo is supported in both XP & Vista offering QAM in addition to NTSC, & OTA ATSC....Is that correct?
If not could you explain where each will work? QAM is important to me.
Also how do they license them and install the license? Is it locked down tight for each installtion, I'm wondering about switching it between two computers periodically i don't quite have what system will use what OS / tuner programs down yet.