Halflife mmmm good


Active member
I loaded Halflife about a week ago, with Opposing Force and Blue Shift and I still am blown away by just how great the game is. But with all of this greatness I have found some strange goings on that maybe someone can help me with. I have it patched to the most current version, running all the bells and whistles and I am getting a strange effect that seems to only affect the lab coats of the scientists and the knife of Adrian Shepperd in OP. It kinda looks like there lapels are wiggling?? I have the Ati_HL_fix but the problem is still there.

Oh I am running HL in OGL.....

Is this because of truform???

Well no matter It is really not that big of an issue to stop me from playing I was just wondering if there was a further patch that I am unaware of that could assist....

Yeah, certain drivers make the lab coats look like they are blowing in the wind...

But HL is the greatest game.....
And one of the only games to support 5 button mouses....

HalfLife still has the best game saving structure of any game I've played. It has 3 of your last quicksaves available so if you quicksave in a crappy spot where your under heavy assault you can go a little ways back instead of way back where your last full save as done.

I can't believe other FPS don't do that yet.
Wiseguy10k said:
Half-life is of course a great game. It does have that big ugly baby shaped monster thought. What's up with that?

fetal baby like things freak people out... play silent hill sometimes... *twitch*

I thought it was a pretty neat boss... better than lots of other bosses.

I wish the ending was better though
I've enjoyed HL since I bought it nearly 3 years ago...but nowadays it's only about CS lol.

Hopefully if there is a sequel, it should be just like what the first one was; a new jump for the FPS genre.
Valve is actually working on HL2 right now along side TF2 and CS2. Typical for Valve, they don't tell anyone about anything they are doing. You have to make guesstimates to know what they are up to. However, all Valves new games are all using the same new in-house graphics engine that no one knows anything about yet. The only thing that might give you some hints about the new engine is that they hired the main Lithtech guy when they decided to scrap their old Quake1/2 based engine. Not saying that the new one will be Lithtech based of course (I'm sure there are legal and copyright issues with that), but it probably tells you what the game(s) might be like...

personally, I think TF2 and CS2 will be failures (hugely disapointing anyway) if they don't have vast outdoorsy type maps along the lines of Tribes2 and Operation Flashpoint.

Nothing officially announced of course, but it's pretty well known to people (like me) who follow Valve developments (mostly because of Counter-Strike).
Ratchet said:

personally, I think TF2 and CS2 will be failures (hugely disapointing anyway) if they don't have vast outdoorsy type maps along the lines of Tribes2 and Operation Flashpoint.

Its hard to say... They've been super quite with TF2. They had some krazy videos about a year ago, the stuff look awsome. So, i have no clue on what they have done yet. Personally, i think there using DOD to be there test run. CS2, yeah well, i dont think this will take off too much. I think the SP mode will be like SWAT more or less.
AmanoJaku said:
fetal baby like things freak people out... play silent hill sometimes... *twitch*
Not much is scarier than fighting weird little zombie kids with butcher knives inside a deserted school.

Ever see the "ghost baby".. kind of transparent.. it can't hurt you, but it scares the hell out of ya..

- Me