had to thank you guys


New member
I've been using your great site for a while now because my friend showed me that you guys were the best spot to get leaked drivers for my trusty Radeon 8500. Well I was perusing a post about Doom2 as one of the best games ever and I noticed something called DoomGl. After a little investigation I downloaded Doom Legacy and once again I am enjoying Doom goodness at 1024x768 resolution. It brought me back to my roots with Doom being one of the first games I ever played. Once again thank you guys for making Doom my favorite game {again}. P.S. I was just wondering if there was anything like Duke3dGl. If there is and anybody could tell me about it I would greatly appreciate it. Keep up the good work and thanks in advance.
Glad that you can get some help, and im even more happy to see that you took the time to show your appreciation!

I htink i heard something about DukeGL, not too sure though. I could be getting that mixed up with DOOM2GL.

If you find something, please, post back here on your findings. Im sure there are many of us around here that are looking for it.

I've found an article of DukeGL, but from a Mac site; so not much info on it myself here.

Zep and I will be glad that you very much appreciate Doom, even at times like this. :)

In the meantime, here's a shot of Duke3D on the 16-bit Sega Genesis! ahahahahaha :p Nice to see it pumping out at a 64-color palette. :p
