GTA V PC Discussion


New member
Now that it's finally coming out for the PC how bad is the optimization going to be?
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Now that it's finally coming out for the PC how bad is the optimization going to be?

Shouldn't be that bad seeing how they are porting it to current consoles that are more PC like than the past gen.
I literally cannot contain myself. Going to definitely need to upgrade this year. It looks so god damn good on proper hardware. Blown away I am.


Sorry, was just cleaning the jizz off the keyboard....
Alright, I need to upgrade my pc... it's 4 years old, what components do you guys suggest I get, for say $2500?

I would like to get a really good monitor, suggestions?

Alright, I need to upgrade my pc... it's 4 years old, what components do you guys suggest I get, for say $2500?

I would like to get a really good monitor, suggestions?


You should probably wait for recommended system specs before upgrading.
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YYYYyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy....about time.......the devs get to be shown up by regular joe-shmoes....hahhaha!!

EXCITED!!! :D :D :D :drool:
Alright, I need to upgrade my pc... it's 4 years old, what components do you guys suggest I get, for say $2500?

I would like to get a really good monitor, suggestions?


Might not even have to upgrade anything besides your graphics card if your processor was decently high end four years ago. Processor performance has barely even gone anywhere for years now.
You guys would be surprised how underwhelming the game is considering how many copies it sold and all the positive reviews. The main story is absolute crap and protagonists are uninteresting criminals.

The side missions are also fairly decent. However, the world is fantastic and would be a great sandbox to play in. Also 120 fps (one can wish lol).
Finally! Still need to keep the boycott going so I don't spoil anything. If the story is weak, I'll find it out for myself, thank you all the same. :nag:
:zzz: I'll get it from Amazon when it's $5 or I win it in some contest or something. I'm not feeling AAA titles anymore and indie titles are getting on my nerves as well :(*