Greetings & My Specs


New member
Firstly, Greetings! I'm back after a brief hiatus. Many moons ago I purchased an Xpert 2000 32MB AGP card and had nothing but problems with it and a couple of games at the time: MW3 and Deus Ex. My Rage3D username was Anim8r at the time. I swapped the card in favor of a Voodoo5 5500 AGP after the news that 3dfx was gonzo and the prices on these bad boys plummeted. Then a while ago I decided to run a dual boot set up of 98SE (had ME but it's junk) and 2000. Some apps of mine were behaving strangely with the Voodoo in either O/S so today I went out and got a brand spanking new Radeon 64MB DDR (after reading dozens of positive reviews) and am pleased as punch. So far so good. I'm going to test Deus Ex out (I've finished it but curiosity has got me) and see if the troubles have gone sine the Xpert days. The apps that weren't working properly under the Voodoo perform flawlessly with the Radeon. Anyway here's my spec's. This time I should be around for a long time.

Main System:

Intel PIII 600 MHZ
Gigabyte GA-6VX7-4X mobo
512 MB PC133 SDRAM
Radeon ViVo 64MB DDR
Soundblaster Live!
15 GB Maxtor Diamondmax hd
20 GB Maxtor Diamondmax hd
Asus 50X CDROM
HP 8200i 4/4/24 CDRW
Iomega Zip 100 external
Panasonic 3.5" floppy
56K USR modem (DSL in one week!!!)
Realtek 10/100 NIC
D-Link 4-Port network hub (to a P233MMX rendering slave/LAN gaming system for house guests)
19" Viewsonic E790
Yamaha YST-M15 speakers (quad set up)
Yamaha YST-MSW10 subwoofer
Microsoft Strategic Commander
Microsoft Force Feedback Pro joystick
Logitech Trackman Marble mouse
Logitech Internet keyboard
Logitech Wingman Extreme gamepad
Windows 2000/Windows 98SE
DirectX 8.0a
Current drivers
W2000- run major apps
W98SE- run games

pixel - welcome back to rage3d. Just as a suggestion though, your signiture is HUGE. A little too detailed. I mean I've seen some long ones, but your takes the cake. Signitures are good on RAGE3d so if you discuss a technical issue, people know what kind of system you have, but some info justg isn't necessary. I recommend removing your game controlers, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speaker setup, and anything else that is external of the machine and wouldn't really apply to the forum much. It's really just an eyesore otherwise.

If you wanna brag about your system specs, setup a seperate post for that but dont make it your signiture for everything.

Anyway, welcome back.
Thanks Gator. I agree that's an obsenely extensive list I included but it won't be my sig. I was downloading the latest Radeon drivers for W2K & 98 at the time I posted and got a tad carried away while waiting for the DL to finish.

Pojo, please consider this a "Puke to you, too"!. I mean in few months time, if you haven't upgraded by then, "Puke" will apply to your rig as well (too bad about the paltry 384MB). That's all I have to say and will never bring it up again.

Caio for now