Ghostwire: Tokyo


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Rage3D Subscriber
PS5 exclusive coming out March 25th. Waiting for some full reviews on the gameplay. But the ray tracing supported on the PS5 looks incredible:


Gamers are lucky it rains every day in Tokyo!
Yeah, it's also on PC. Game looks pretty meh from everything I've seen. The general sentiment I've seen elsewhere seems fairly lukewarm too. Supposedly this game was originally going to be The Evil Within 3 (survival horror) but it shifted to this.
Looking at picking this one up when it drops. Open world Tokyo with weird **** going on? Sign me up! I'm just glad I managed to nab a ps5 before it drops.

Now I just need to finish Elden Ring beforehand.

No idea when I'm gonna find the time for Horizon ZD. Ugh.
It is overly repetitive. For 10 mins the guy kept doing the same thing over and over.

IGN has a review that confirms repetitive combat. But they praise the immersive environment. Sounds like it could have been good but not quite…..

First-person view killed it for me. I just don't like playing any game in first-person. The view is just too limited, IMO. Much prefer third-person as that sorta emulates peripheral vision. Personal hang-up, I guess.
saw a streamer playing it yesterday. It does look interesting, like a wild LSD-trip, if you're into that kind of artstyle. The "combat" though was weird, to say at least. Not my cup of tea, but the story was interesting.

No buy for me though.
First-person view killed it for me. I just don't like playing any game in first-person. The view is just too limited, IMO. Much prefer third-person as that sorta emulates peripheral vision. Personal hang-up, I guess.

:masterrace: plenty of FOV @ 32:9 :D



saw a streamer playing it yesterday. It does look interesting, like a wild LSD-trip, if you're into that kind of artstyle. The "combat" though was weird, to say at least. Not my cup of tea, but the story was interesting.

No buy for me though.

It's kinda basic, but I'm enjoying it thus far.