General 3D card question


New member

was wondering if i would see any big diff when upgrading my vid card from a Voodoo1 to a voodoo3 or tnt2 or whatever. PLEASE no flaming( just want a cheap way to do this). ITs for my really REALLY old compu ( 200mmx ) that i wanna hook up, so my bro and i can play Counter-Strike with each other. Have you guys been in this situation before, or do you know enough that i will see a good enough increase to justify the purchase?!?!?!

thanx guys

IF any of you are willing to get rid of one, please dont be shy! :)

[Edited by **G.I.BRO** on 01-15-2001 at 05:07 PM]
no, no for CS get Geforce MX PCI... or just get any PCI geforce... theyre better for CS than Voodoo 3... yeah V3 is enough, but wiht my PIII 550@633 last time..
Thats what he(my BRO) ws initally looking for, the MX. But over here in Ontario, is so damn hard to find. Most of the stores i asked, said this: ummmmm, i dont think they made that in PCI, just AGP...
Ya, the Voodooo1 is pretty much a joke in today's games. If you're happy playing at 512x384, you can still play UT and a fw other games, but it won't be pretty. I don't think it would be wise thought to invest a lot of money in a P200mmx though, so you might want to consider getting a cheap Duron + mobo. For only about $200 you can get an Abit KT7 and a Duron. You'd still have some slow-ass video, but you can find a TNT2 Ultra used pretty cheap. Plus, you won't be limited to PCI video cards with a new motherboard.
my sons comp had a k6-2 400 with a Voodoo2.Quake3=25fps
then replaced it with a Voodoo3 1000.Quake3=25 fps
gave him my V3 3000 when i got a radeon.Quake3=25fps
timedemo demo001@512x384.
seems the k6-2 400 cant even give the V2 adequate data to push the card,much less a V3 3000.
if you dont plan on uprading within the year get V2 for $55 from here otherwise a V3 pci will run around $100.not a bargain for an old comp.
I've got a K6/2 400 mhz and my GeForce 2 MX PCI works great with it. It's the only reason that I've yet to get a new processor and motherboard. I'm waiting for the Tyan 760mp which will support 2 AMD Thunderbirds. Also, having a Voodoo 3 3000 PCI, the GeForce 2 is quite a bit faster. The only thing that worries me is the 200 mhz processor. The K6/2 400 mhz is not a fast chip...a friend of mine with a PII 266 mhz get framerates just as good as me(sometimes better).

If I were you, I'd be looking for a GeForce 2 MX PCI, but check out how the 200mmx performs compaired to a PII 266 mhz. If it's close, Half-life will run great.

I hope that helps.
One potential advantage of the a GeForce-based card is that the T&L can help take some of the load off the CPU in some games.

Heck, any card after the Voodoo1 will at least do triangle setup, which is at least something.

One of these ultra-cheap Radeon boards would be nice. Just need an AGP port.

No matter what you do, I don't think you'll get satisfactory experience from anything beyond Quake2 with a P200. Maybe Half-Life. And even in those games, even in single-player, you're bound to get periods of significant choppiness.
Ahem, there is a PCI version of the Radeon SDR. I was looking on today and I found one for the low price of $124! I'm pretty sure that a Radeon will perform 6 times as fast on ANY processor than a TNT2 Ultra on a 650 MHz Athlon! If you can afford it, ($124 shouldn't be hard on the gaming poor.) go ahead and buy the Radeon. If you can't however, stick with a GeForce2 MX PCI.