gaming questions about anti-aliasing need advice


New member
Hi. I was curious on the matter of anti-aliasing in PC games. For example, I recently bought Medal of Honor, Allied Assault. I believe it's an open gl game. I love the game play, however, there are tons of jagged edges, or lots of aliasing going on. To me, this is really annoying, since when I played consoles like the PS2 and the Xbox I can barely see any of this aliasing going on in the first place. Now, my cpu speed is only 1 gig and I have a Radeon 8500 with the 4.13.9009 drivers w/ win 98 se as my operating system. I put smoothvision on and put anti-aliasing in open gl up to 6x (with v-sync on/and with v-sync off) All that happened is I got slower frame rates with no reduction in aliasing. Other games like Half-Life have a lot of aliasing going on as well. So does SWAT 3. My question lies in this, is there no way a PC game can be as smooth and have little jagged edges like a console, or is there a way? All I want, is decent graphics with minimal aliasing. I thought the Radeon 8500 would knock the jaggies to minimal and create a more smooth, playable experience. My two main concerns with PC gaming are this: frame rates that never drop below 60 no matter what is going on, and minimal aliasing(or jaggies). If anyone has some advice to kill aliasing in my current games, whether it be a tweak in the particular game or upgrading to a athlon xp 2000, I would greatly appreciate. I am at my wit's end and I just want a PC gaming experience that rivals a console.
well you could youse the smoothvision in your display propertys Ogl.
tab. but a pc is only as good as the monitor and a good display at
highres [1600/1200@85hz] will just about elminate all jaggies!
6x is overkill and won't work on anything higher than 800*600

try 2x quality at 1280*1024, crank up aniso to 128x
that should do the trick
I tried that and still got heavy aliasing. I thought 5x or 6x would do the trick, but it looks the same as with anti-aliasing off. I have the latest driver for my Radeon 8500. Any ideas? I hope the Geforce 4 Ti4600 isnt like this too...
Althought I don't use AA, i have played with it a few times to find
out what the big deal about it is..

Try the newer driver, 9021..
Can you post screenshots?

Can you post screenshots?

And you say the PS2 has no jaggies? I have a PS2, believe me, my computer displays far smoother pictures than any console. Xbox uses some AA, but not much either...
ps2 has hardly any jaggies, depending on what game you are playing..

For example, many games use a "blurring" technique to give the
effect that there are no jaggies, so it's hardly noticable, unlike
playing at.. say, 640x480 on a monitor..

An example of one of these games is Grand Theft Auto 3..
Re: 8500

Re: 8500

camrymans said:
Play games with your 8500 on a TV and you probably won't see the jaggies either.

that what i do with some of my games (strat and fps aint so good, u dont get sharp details)
you hardly get any "jaggies" and if u use 2x *performance* smoothvision you dont get much of a hit in fps and it looks amazing