Games with good graphics?


New member
I have a ti 4600 now (yes, i'm bragging), and i was wondering if there was anything out there that i could use to push its limits? any ideas? :)
Leisure Suit Larry 1... j/k

I think you may be SOL trying to find something to push it that is out currently... wait for Unreal 2 :)
Unreal 2 would definitely be a looker; after what the original turned Voodoo and Voodoo2 cards into. :eek:
Soul Reaver 2 looks great.....lots o' eye candy. The part near the beginning where Raziel pushes open the doors revealing the waterfalls outside is actually quite breathtaking. It's alot of fun to play too.
I think Comache4 has water wake effects that you can only get on a GF4ti500. Don't know if it will push the limits of your card but it does look sweet
Unreal 2 alpha demo runs like a racehorse (the leaked e3 version).

Kreed, i'll try :).

Soul reaver 2 was one of my fav games, played it straight for a few days: its fun. I actually love the under water blu effect when you move, it's quite nice. So much for 3DFX' t-buffer, you can do the same with pixel shaders :).

As for commanche 4, they use a lot of things only available to the gf4. They use all the new features it has in the FX2 engine, which (this part troubles me because again we avoid a graphics standard) seems to be able to do more than an 8500 at times, and less at other times. Damnit. people need to learn and keep a baseline.
I think Comache4 has water wake effects that you can only get on a GF4ti500.

Actually - NO! Somebody with 8500 posten a screenshot where he also had these effects.
Max Payne
Anisotophic texturing
4x Antialiasing
Project X Mod
and the last 4 missions

Get it up!!!!!!!!!
not OEM. The demos were release two days ago by nV... go figure eh? the wolfman thing looks too good to be true. it's like a final fantasy character or something... AMAZING. wow /me goes to gym thinking about it
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. It may be poorly coded and not optimized so that many people with even high-end card have problem with low fps. But who needs optimization you you have kick-ass hardware? Try that Omaha Beach level. That one is a killer. If you have RTCW, there is timedemo called "Checkpoint", which is more demanding than Quake3 Arean timedemo. Q3A is too old...
MOHAA (a beautiful war if you can imagine)
Tribes 2 ( :-P**** )
Nascar Season (it's hard to smash up those pretty cars)
Aquanox (pure eye candy)
Commanche 4 (and yes, the wake effects are superb, and i have an 8500)

all this with the my rig is *drool* beautiful.

no wonder i don't go outside anymore......