Games Finished July 2022


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Rage3D Subscriber
In our 5th year doing this it is amazing how many members are participating throughout. I hope it has helped you as it helped me keeping my backlogs in check while enjoying my games.

As many have seen, I have completed a lot of games last year and still managed to do my hobbies, take care of family, career and the occasional travel (not counting 2020).

Not every month someone will be finishing a lot, as there are months where a person just can't finish anything. Then you got that streak going in another month.

Also, if you plan to replay the game, it is fine but don't repeat it at a later month as first completion is what counts.

Another thing is the criteria of what is considered completed in unclear games such as team based multiplayer games; I would say set a target for that. E.g. I considered Overwatch completed when I reached level 100. Or when I finished story mode (which was a long movie sequence) in Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator. You decide what you consider is completed as long as it is reasonable to a certain extend and correlate-able to a single player experience.

DLC completed at a separate time from the main game and has enough content (+1 hour) can be counted as a separate completion.

Console completions can be accepted as long as the main focus is still PC overall.

Completed Games:
688-DNF Duel


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I finished one game which was DNF Duel. A fighting game. Other than that, more Lost Ark...
Well. I'm not yet done with either Elden Ring or MotoGP 22. So zero games finished this month.

I played a few runs of FTL to credits, but I've already finished that a whole bunch of times, doesn't feel like it belongs here.

August will be different, I promise. :lol:

Outer Worlds. Started off strong, but finished quickly. Almost bought the DLC but changed my mind.

The Falconeer. One of the better Indie titles I've played. Had some major design flaws but I was able to cope with them. The unique lore and story helped.

Shadowgrounds. Started it as my Work From Home game on GoG months ago. Good game but gets really repetitive after the first few levels. Good soundtrack.
A massive 9 this month. Yes I had time off :-)

1) 2Dark - a decent little child abduction stealth (ish) game. Glad I got it in a bundle though since the price is nuts.

2) 2DGameManias Taken - Craptastic platformer. Only play if you have no other platformers.

3) 8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure - a decent Metroid style platformer.

4) The Adventure Pals - "tongue-helicoptering giraffe". Kids platformer but still more fun than it should be.

5) Ageless - Above average platformer

6) Almost There: The Platformer - This one I actually liked. Again overpriced in my books, but I'm cheap. I mean "Thrifty".

7) Bubble Blowout - Cannon based Match 3 - price is right

8) Dessert Storm - Watch George "The Shrubbery" Bush invade a country that the CIA sell weapons to ... wait ... no, that's not right. This is a Match 3 game about sweets. Again, the price is right.

9) Dragon Kingdom War: Puzzle RPG - A just OK match 3 game posing as a RPG.

Well it appears it was a platformer / match 3 month for me. Really only 1 game worth installing, but hindsight being 20-20 and all. So glad I got most of these super cheap via bundles.
Devotion; I'd heard really good things about this but found it a bit of a let down.

Tell Me Why?; Boring characters in an uninteresting narrative game.

Nuts; Squirrel watching.

Shadowhand; Solitaire RPG. Fun but too random to be really satisfying.

Monument Valley; Not really challenging but very stylish.

War on the Sea; 45 hours in June. Can I still say it should have been better? A lot to like but some balancing issues and a somewhat tedious campaign hold it back from being a great wargame.

Apocalipsis; Short but striking P'n'C.

Seven in all.
Perfect! I have not been gaming much lately, seems there's never time or energy.

Time, energy and a lack of games that satisfy my preference. I can probably call a “Zero completed” now, for each month the rest of the year. :(