Galaxy S2 Tablet


New member
I just wanted to grab a decent tablet for emergency situations and for travel. I don't like mobile gaming. I just like video and audio books / podcasts. And music of course.

My smart phone sucks ass.... its a lumia 950 and half the apps don't work. My surface pro Battery is like 3 hours tops, so its no good if I lose power and even not great for travel.

So instead of upgrading to a newer surface or new lap top I will just keep my old one, its still plenty powerful enough for the stuff I use it for as long as I am close to a power source.

Anyway Galaxy S2 with a 12-14 hour battery sounds good for 250 bucks and maybe cheaper on black friday. Any other suggestions?

Best bang for buck for a tablet is what I am asking. And battery life is of most importance.
Its a nice tablet, I personally have the S3 but wish I went with the S2 since it has a 64gb option.
Its a nice tablet, I personally have the S3 but wish I went with the S2 since it has a 64gb option.

Isn't that sort of moot though since you can just add a 128 gb SD card? I know some apps apparently can't be moved to the SD card but for movies, music and all the big space eaters.. wouldn't the 32 gig model be just about as good, or just about as good. Unless for some reason you need internal memory thats built in.
I'm very satisfied with my Galaxy Tab E. Every app works, battery lasts forever +- and the screen is bright. Oh and it was dirt cheap.
Major downfall is the useless speaker. And for the price, it's missing a bunch of sensors.