For what reasons should I not purchase this camera?


New member
Nikon - Coolpix L830 @$230 or the Nikon - Coolpix P600 @$400?

My prior camera was an old HP Photosmart M425 that I received as a Christmas gift back when I was in high school and it stopped reading SD cards so I've tossed it. I used the heck out of that camera and surprisingly managed to, in my opinion, take some very amazing shots with it. But most pictures were crap. I'd have to take 20 shots of a scene and maybe one of those would turn out even remotely close to how I wanted it to.

Some of my complaints about that old M425:

*Zoom- or lack thereof. Far too often I'd be out hunting or hiking and there'd be something I wanted to capture but it was too far off. I think the L830's 34x optical will be more than enough, but if you guys recommend it I'm open to the P600 as it has a 60x optical zoom. I think that would be a bit excessive for me though.

*Overall image quality- not sure how to describe it. Think back in the Windows 95 days. 256 color image versus the same image at 16-bit. The M425 was like the 256 color image. Not that bad, but it gives you an idea of what I'm referring to. Don't want this with the new camera.

*Video- the audio was horrible and the M425 couldn't zoom while recording. I'd like decent audio and zoom capable while recording. This isn't a deal breaker as I do have an HD camcorder, but having one device that can do it all has its benefits.

I anticipate a DSLR being recommended. I have some reasons why I'm not looking into a DSLR:

*Price: I can walk out of work with the P600, 3 years accidental coverage and all accessories for under $600. If I drop down to the L830 that price becomes ~$450. To the best of my knowledge DSLR's for just the body and a lense package start at ~$600, not including accessories. This is out of my price range.

*Convenience: I wouldn't know where to begin with a DSLR. What's aperture? What's ISO? What's white-balance? What's *insert photog jargon here*...? So I'm ignorant on the jargon and how each term impacts image quality. I'm not opposed to learning these things, but at my own pace. This is a hobby, one I'm not even sure I'll really get into. So I'm starting small. If I really get into this then down the road I'll consider getting a DSLR.

*Bulk & weight: I cannot lug a bunch of lenses around with me. That's horrifically impractical. When I'm hunting I'm loaded down with gear, not adding to that needlessly. Same with hiking. And while mountain biking- that should be obvious. :lol: I've a pack I could put some gear in, but I don't want to be wearing $1200+ worth of photo gear while cruising down the dirt roads around here. :no: Bad idea.

So what are the pro's opinions here on the two L830 and P600? I'm a newbie through and through, will they fit the bill? If not, I'm open to alternatives. Just not really willing to budge above $600 for everything. :o

Thanks ya'll! :)
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There's gotta be someone that can help you out here... it certainly isn't me though; I'm clueless about cameras
I know a little about DSLRs, but not much about compacts. Personally autofocus and image quality are where it's at for me and low light performance, autofocus speed suck with compacts. Maybe things are better now. If image quality is decent with these, autofocus speed and accuracy are next on the plate.

With your requirements for weight and bulk, a DSLR is highly impractical. I don't carry mine when hunting, that'd suck. I've shot the early morning mist and sunrise with my phone and been fine with it.

Check and use that. Sorry I cannot assist more.
Hmm... thanks for the links guys. :)

P600 seems to win. But not by a landslide. Still helps though. Maybe I'll go for the P600. I do like the viewfinder aspect, hadn't considered it. And I supposed it's better to have a higher magnification power than you'll need, than have too low of one.

Hmm... still a tough decision. :o
Just know that these are "bridge cameras".

There are nothing more than a bigger point and shoot. These are not DSLR's but are designed in a way to get you thinking about a DSLR. It's a pretty clever trick they use.

Anyways...what are your intentions with this camera?

Your pictures might come out as they always have since I don't seem to see any exposure compensation dials for your to ride the Av, P, or S modes - unless it's in the menus somewhere.

For your needs, I think you will be fine with my highly recommended Sony RX100. There are 3 versions for sale, so you'll have one in your price range.

The RX100 Benefits are:

*Small, fits in your pocket and/or glove box in your car and/or your girl's purse. You'll take it everwhere without feeling you need to "lug" it around.

*Much bigger sensor than what your are looking at. This give you better image quality. Sony's 1" sensor vs the Nikon's 1/2.3" sensor is no match

*Better ISO performance. Sony is the king of sensor tech and will get you higher and cleaner pictures in low light. These Nikons only go 1600 native. Yikes.

*Video. Sony knows video. Nikon still hasn't figured it out after all these years. The RX100 version 3 has a pretty sick video spec.

*Lens. Sony's lens is very nice and is 24-70 f/2.8 are there abouts depending on which version you get. You can't beat that. These Nikon's are slow, with an aperture starting at f/3.3 on the wide end and a VERY slow f/6.5 on the zoom. These bridge camera always tout there useless optical zooms of 34x or 60x. They're pointless. I'm not sure how far you need to zoom or what you want to get pictures of, but I think the Sony's 24-70 range (3x zoom btw) is more than enough for 99% of your photos.

Again, we need more info on what you want to take pictures of. I would use this for my family and friends snapshots or just my personal photography endeavors.
Thanks Raz, I was hoping you'd reply. :)

It's nice to see Sony allowing the use of SD cards. Back when I got my M425 they did not support SD cards and only used MemoryStick ProDuo. That was a concern but it appears I don't have to worry about that.

My usage will vary. It'll mostly be outdoors, in the country. From great open spaces to heavily wooded areas. It'll be in very bright (sunny spring, summer, or fall days) to darker and low light (heavily wooded areas or overcast, cloudy, or even stormy conditions).

I rarely take pictures of people. It's almost entirely outdoor, scenic, "nature" shots. In an extreme array of conditions.

I really like how small and compact that RX100 is. Very nice. I am concerned that it will lack a powerful enough zoom. I may see something 100+ yards away that I'd like to be able to zoom in on. If on the top of a mountain ridge, and I see an outcropping the next ridge over with an interesting tree and brush arrangement that just stands out and looks pic worthy- I want to be able to zoom in close enough to capture it. That could be several hundred yards away or greater. My M425 had a 3x optical zoom and it was inadequate.

I realise most any camera today will be better than my old M425 in almost all areas. I just worry about the zooming capabilities of that Rx100. I'm wondering if it'll be powerful enough for those distant shots.
This subsection isn't what it use to be.

Can you not use your feet to zoom perhaps? You can adapt what you want to shoot for the capabilities of your camera. Might get better pics out of it because it'll make you think about the shot more.

Here's a Google search result for best cameras for landscape photography:

Since you need more zoom and I'm a fan of Panny's Lumix small cameras, look at the Panasonic FZ200. It'll get you 24x zoom since you seem to like that, and a MUCH faster lens at f/2.8 through the zoom range.
You mean walk closer to the object? :lol: Sometimes it just isn't practical when hunting or mountain biking, but otherwise that's what I've done. 3x is still inadequate when you're dealing with 100 of yards for distance, and hiking closer changes the angle, perspective, lighting, etc. Thus the shot becomes something other than what I'd originally want.

You're giving me good info to mull over- thank you. That Panasonic looks very nice. Will consider that one as well. :up: